Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Simple Present Perfect Continuous Tense


Simple present perfect continues ialah sebuah tenses yang dipakai untuk menceritakan sebuah acara yang terjadi pada kala kemudian dan hingga kini acara itu sedang dilakukan. Perbedaan antara Present perfect continues dan present perfect ialah present perfect continues lebih menekankan pada durasi waktu sedangkan present perfect cenderung menunjukan wacana hasil dari sebuah aktivitas. Perhatikan pola pada kalimat diberikut.

Fina’s clothes are covered in paint. She has been painting the ceiling.

Pada kalimat diatas memakai present perfect continues tense alasannya lebih ditekankan pada durasi dari tindakan painting/mengecat tanpa mempedulikan hasilnya, kita tidak tahu apakah acara tersebut sudah tamat atau belum.

The ceiling was white. Now it is blue. Ayu has painted the ceiling

Pada kalimat diatas kita lebih menekankan pada hasil acara dari painted/mengecat, sehingga kita memakai kalimat simple present perfect tense. Untuk lebih mengetahui perbedaan keduanya perhatikan contoh-contohnya dibawah ini.

Simple Present perfect continues tense
My hands are very dirty. I have been repairing the car The car is OK again now. I have repaired it.
She has been smoking too much recently. She should smoke less Somebody has smoked all my cigarettes. Tha packet is empty
It is nice to see you again. What have you been dong since we last met? Where is the book i gave you? What have you done with it ?
Where have you been? Have you been playing tennis ? Have you ever played tennis ?
How long have you been reading that book ? How many pages of that book have you read ?
Marry is still writting letters. She has been writting letters all day. Mary has written ten letters today
They have been playing tennis since 2 o’clock They have played tennis three times this week

Rumus Simple Present perfect continuous tense

(+)Subject + Have/has+ been + Ving + ....

(-)Subject + Have/has + not + been + Ving + ....

(?) have/has + Subject + been + ving + ......

misal kalimat Simple Present Perfect Continuous tense

They have been waiting for the bus for fifteen minutes

They have not been waiting for the bus for fifteen minutes

Have they been waiting for the bus for fifteen minutes ?

Ayu has been standing there since five o’clock

Ayu has not been standing there since five o’clock

Has Ayu been standing there since five o’clock?

Latihan Soal Simple Present Perfect Continuous

1. I am trying to study. I ...(try) to study for the last hour,but something always seems to interrupt me. I think i would better go to the library.

2. Joe has an old bicycle. He......(had) the same bicycle for twenty years.

3. Matt works at the ABC Company. He ...(work) there since 2005

4. Toshi is waiting for his frend. He......(wait) for her since five o’clock. She is late for their date.

5. I like cowboy movies. I .....(like) cowboy movies ever since i was a child.

6. Susie is watching a cowboy movie. She .....(watch) it for over two hours without a break.

7. Dr. Chang teaches math. He is an excelent teacher. He .....(teach) math at this school for more than 25 years.

8. Sue and Rick are playing tennis right now and they are getting tired. They ....(play) since nine o’clock this morning. Sue is winning. She is the better tennisplayer. She .....(play) tennis since she was ten. Rick started playing only last year.

Jawaban dan Pembahasan Soal Simple Present Perfect continues tense.

1. I am trying to study. I have been studying for the last hour, but something always seems to interrupt me. I think I would better go to the library.

Pada kalimat diatas memakai kalimat Present Perfect Continues alasannya pada kalimat I have been studying for the last hour lebih menunjukan durasi sebuah aktifitas,bukan menunjukan hasil

2. Joe has an old bicycle. He has had the same bicycle for twenty years.

Pada kalima tersebut memakai pola simple perfect tense alasannya walaupun pada kalimat tersebut menceritakan durasi akan tetapi lebih cenderung ke simple perfect tense

3. Matt works at the ABC Company. He has been working there since 2005.

Pada kalimat tersebut memakai kalimat simple present perfect continues alasannya cenderung menunjukan sebuah durasi aktivitas.

4. Toshi is waiting for his frend. He has been waiting for her since five o’clock. She is late for their date.

Pada kalimat diatas memakai sebuah kalimat berpola simple present perfect continues tense alasannya pada kalimat He has been waiting for her since five o’clock cenderung menunjukan wacana durasi waktu.

5. I like cowboy movies. I have liked cowboy movies ever since I was a child.

Pada kalimat diatas memakai kalimat simple present perfect alasannya kata kerja “Like” jarang dipakai untuk kalimat continues.

6. Susie is watching a cowboy movie. She has been watching it for over two hours without a break.

Pada kalimat diatas memakai kalimat berpola present perfect continues alasannya lebih cenderung menunjukan wacana durasi waktu dari pada hasil

7. Dr. Chang teaches math. He is an excelent teacher. He has been teaching math at this school for more than 25 years

Karena jela mengatakan sebuah durasi waktu selam 25 tahun.

8. Sue and Rick are playing tennis right now and they are getting tired. They have been playing since nine o’clock this morning. Sue is winning. She is the better tennisplayer. Shehas been playing /has played tennis since she was ten. Rick started playing only last year.

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