Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Pembahasan Un Bahasa Inggris Smp Tahun 2013 Part 1

Soal dan Pembahasan UN bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 part 1

Soal dan Pembahasan UN bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 part 2

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 1


1. What does the caution above mean ?

a. We must be careful because harmful algae grow in this water
b. Swimming in this water may harm the algae that grow in it.
c. The algae cannot cause serious harm to the animals
d. Harmful algae does not grow well in this water

Kata kata susah dalam Bacaan

Harmful = berbahaya
Algae =makhuk hidup di perairan
Present = hadir
Contact = bersentuhan

1. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Pada peringatan tersebtu sudah terperinci disampaikan kalau dalam perairan ini ada semacam mahluk hidup yang ada pada perairan tersebut, dan menyebabkan bahaya, hal ini tertera pada kalimat “ harmful algae may be present in this water contact may cause harm to human and animal” yang artinya agae mungkin sanggup dijumpai di perairan ini, kontak dengan algae mungkin berbahaya” sehingga peringatan tersebut sama artinya dengan pilihan A yang artinya “kita harus berhati – hati alasannya yaitu algae yang berbahaya tumbuh diperairan ini”

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 2 - 3

Student Organization of Sekolah Menengah Pertama 182 To : all class captains Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held :
Date : Saturday, may 11,2013
Time : After School
Place : OSIS room
We will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students. Your attendance will be highly appreciated. OSIS Chairman OSIS Secretary

2. The monthly meeting is to ….

a. Request a monthly meeting
b. Attend at OSIS room
c. Discuss the farewell party
d. Appreciate the grade IX students

3. “ We will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students” the underlined word refers to

a. All grade IX students
b. OSIS chairman and OSIS secretary
c. All teacher and students of the school
d. The OSIS committee and all class captains

Kata kata susah dalam Bacaan

Student organization = OSIS
Captains = ketua kelas
Attend = menghadiri
Be held = dilaksanakan
Farewell = perpisahan
Grade = kelas
Attendance = kehadiran
Appreciated = menghargai
Chairman = ketua

2. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Pertemuan bulanan pada program kali ini akan dipakai untuk mendiskusikan pesta perpisahan kelas tiga atau dengan kata lain “ discuss the farewell party” sehingga cocok dengan pilihan C

3. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Dalam kalimat tersebut kata “ we” maksudnya yaitu pihak yang mengundang dan pihak yang diundang, pihak yang diundang yaitu Class captain sedangkan pihak yang mengundang yaitu OSIS Chairman dan Osis secretary sehingga pilihan paling sempurna yaitu D

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 4-6

ANNOUNCEMENT TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS, From November 12 to 14, 2013 the library will be closed due to the rearranging of books and seats. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Hasan Madi Librarian

4. The text tells us about ….

a. The librarian’s books and seats
b. The renovation of the library in November
c. The temporarily closing of the library
d. The librarian’s inconvenience

5. Why is the library closed ?

a. The librarian will have vacation
b. There have been some inconveniences
c. The students will arrange the books
d. The books will be rearranged

6. “ … we are sorry for the Inconvenience “ the underlined word is similar in meaning to ….

a. Disruption
b. Inappropriacy
c. Unsuitability
d. Difficulty

Kata kata susah dalam Bacaan

Announcement = pengumuman
Library = perpustakaan
Due to = alasannya yaitu
Rearranging = pengurutan ulang
Seats = dingklik
Inconvenience = ketidaknyamanan

4. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. intinya pengumuman tersebut menceritakan wacana penututupan sementara perpustakaan alasannya yaitu ada pengurutan ulang buku dan dingklik

5. Jawaban C

Pembahasan, dalam pertanyaan nomor ini menanyakan wacana mengapa Perpustakaan ditutup jawabanannya yaitu alasannya yaitu akan ada rearringing of books sehingga sesuai dengan pilihan D

6. Jawaban C

Pembahasan, kata Inconvenience = ketidaknyamanan sama artinya dengan Unsuitability

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 7-8

G570 4334DDU Laptop with large screen. The laptop also comes with a spatial experience of the screen and it has advanced function features that work efficiently. It is more user –friendly than ever. G570 433DDU 15.6 –Inch Laptop Feature :
15.6 –Inch Screen; Integrated Intel HD 3000 Graphics
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 4 – hours Battery Life
2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 – 2450M
500 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive

7. Normally, this laptop can be used for …. Hours

a. Two and half
b. Four
c. Seven ]
d. Sixty four

8. From the text we know that ….

a. The laptop is as user friendly as the previous edition
b. The laptop has advance function features
c. The battery can be used for 6 hours
d. The screen of the laptop is small

Kata kata susah dari bacaan

Large screen = berlayar lebar
Advanced = canggih
Features = fitur
User friendly = simpel
Battery Life = ketahanan baterai

7. Jawaban B

Pembahasan dalam keterangan pertama dijelaskan kalau “ Windows 7 home premium 64 – bit, 4 hours battery life “ yang berarti bahwa laptop tersebut bisa bertahan selama 4 jam

8. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. pilihan A artinya yaitu Laptop ini sama simpel digunakannya dengan edisi sebelunya, padahal dalam bacaan terperinci disebutkan “ it is more user friendly” Pilihan B. benar, alasannya yaitu laptop memiliki fungsi yang canggih Pilihan C. baterai dalam laptop sanggup dipakai hingga spesialuntuk 4 jam, bukan 6 jam Pilihan D. seharusnya layar dalam laptop berukuran besar, sedang dalam pilihan disebutkan kalau laptop berukuran kecil

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 9-10

Flight No Depart Arrive Port of embarkation Port of destination GA 472 9.25 Jakarta London SA 635 10.35 Singapore Jakarta GA 213 12.35 Jakarta Tokyo NW 317 6.30 New York Jakarta QA 521 7.10 Melbourne Jakarta

9. Which Flight departs from New York ?

a. SA 635
b. GA 472
c. NW 317
d. QA 521

10. Based on the text,…. Comes to Jakarta earliest of all flights.

a. GA 472
b. NW 317
c. QA 521
d. SA 635

Kata kata susah dalam Bacaan

Flight = Pesawat
Depart = berangkat
Arrive = hingga / datang
Port embarkation = bandara pemberangkatan
Port of destination = daerah bandara tujuan

9. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. pada pertanyaan kali ini menanyakan penerbangan apa yang berasal dari New York, maka jawabanannya yaitu C

10. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. lihat kolom yang menunjuknan port destination “ Jakarta” dan yang dating paling pertama yaitu pesawat NW 317

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 11-13

JL. Kebon Kopi no 17,Jambi
July 6th,2013

Dear Emy

My family and I went on trip to Solo. We went on Monday by car and stayed at my grandparents’ house. On Tuesday we went to Tawangmangu. We enjoyed the scenic view of its waterfall and had lunch there. They served traditional cuisine like wedang ronde,tempe bacem, fried fish,and fried chicken. After that,we continued our journey to Taman Jurug.

The next day we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw a lot of historical heritages in the palace. After that,we went shopping to Klewer market and Solo grand Mall. I bought some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening, we went sightseeing the town.

On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really enjoyed my holiday . it was fun. Do come over and have a look sometime.



11. What does the text tell you ?

a. Traditional cuisines of Solo
b. Lia’s Grandparents’ house
c. The kasunanan Palace
d. Fun holiday in Solo

12. Where did Lia go on Wednesday ?

a. Taman Jurug
b. Tawangmangu
c. Grandparents’ House
d. Kasunanan Palace.

13. From the text, we know that the writer …

a. Stayed in a hotel with her grandparents
b. Went shopping to Klewer market on Tuesday
c. Saw many kinds of historical heritage on Wednesday
d. Drove her grandparents’ home on Thursday morning

Kata kata susah di bacaan

Went = bentuk 2 dari GO = pergi
Stayed = tinggal
Enjoy = menikmati
View = pemandangan
Waterfall = teladas
Lunch = makan siang
Served = melayani
Cuisine = jenis makakan
Historical = sejarah
Heritages = warisan
Palace = kerajaan
Bought = membeli
Sightseeing = melihat lihat
Come over = menhadiri lagi

11. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Sebagian besar surat atau teks tersebut menceritakan wacana liburan penulis di Solo, sehingga pilihan yang paling cocok yaitu D, untuk pilihan A,B ,C dinilai terlalu sempit,bukan menceritakan secara keseluruhan

12. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Pada pertama yaitu hari senin, diceritakan pada paragraph pertama, pada hari ke dua yaitu hari selasa diceritakan pada paragraph ke dua, pada hari rabu atau Wednesday diceritakan pada paragraph ke tiga yaitu pergi ke “ Kasunanan Palace”

13. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Berdasarkan bacaan pilihan yang benar yaitu pilihan C, yang artinya yaitu “ penulis melihat banyak peninggalan sejarah pada hari Rabu” hal ini sesuai dengan yang ada pada paragraph tiga, sedangkan pilihan yang lain tidak sesuai dengan bacaan

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 14-17

Corn Flour pudding Ingredients :
2000 ml milk
200 gr corn flour
500 gr brown sugar
4 tbs water to dissolve the sugar
1 stick of 10 cm cinnamon
1 tbs butter
3 tbs cinnamon for sprinkling


1. Thoroughly mix milk and corn flour until smooth

2. Boil brown sugar and water until sugar dissolved, then sieve.

3. Mix brown sugar with the milk,corn flour mixture and cinnamon stick. Add butter and simmer whilst stirring until corn flour become thick.

4. Pour into a suitable mould and let it cool

5. When serving sprinkle with ground cinnamon Makes : 10 – 15 portions,best served when cold.

14. Based on the text, we pour the mixture into mould ….

a. Before we mix all the mixtures.
b. After the corn flour become thick
c. After the mixtures get cool
d. When the pudding is ready

15. How many ingredients are needed to make Corn flour pudding ?

a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 10

16. “ Mix brown sugar with the milk, corn flour mixture … “ ( step 3) the underlined word is similar in meaning with …

a. Put
b. Combine
c. Pour
d. Shake

17. The word “ it” in step 4 refers to … of corn flour pudding.

a. The cinnamon
b. The mixture
c. The brown sugar
d. The milk

Kata kata susah dari bacaan

Corn = jagung
Inggreients = materi
Sugar = gula
Dissolve = melarutkan
Butter = keju
Mix = campur
Smooth = lembut
Boil = rebus
Add = menambahkan
Thick = tebal
Pour = tuangkan
Mould = cetakan
Served = sajikan

14. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. menurut bacaan “ we pour the mixture into mould” yaitu langkah langkah yang dilakukan pada nomer 4, sehingga kita harus melihat langkah pada nomer 3, dan pilihan yang cocok pada nomer tiga yaitu Pilihan B “ ….. corn flour become thich”

15. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. lihat pada bab Ingredients yaitu pilihan 7

16. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. kata MIX berarti yaitu campurkan, dan sama artinya dengan Combine

17. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. kata “ IT” dalam langkah ke empat yaitu gabungan dari beberapa bahan,jadi pilihan paling sempurna yaitu B

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 18-21

Machu Pichu, Peru Machu Picchu in Peru, which means “old peak” is one of the most enigmatic ancient sites in the world. According to the legend,machu Picchu was a sacred place. The extraordinary city was created by Inca people. They erected many stones structured and turned the place into a work of art. Two thousand feet above the Lirubamba river, these ruins consist of baths, temples and about 150 houses, all very well preserved. These gray granite structures,some of which weigh more than 50 tons, are perfectly sculpted that they are nothing less than works of architectural genius. They rediscovered by a Yale archeologist in 1911. The ethereal beauty, workmanship, and history of the place attract millions of tourists each year.

18. What can we see in Machu Picchu in Peru ?

a. Granite structure
b. Beautiful scenery
c. Inca People
d. Ancient statues

19. Which one of the following is stated in the text ?

a. Only the history of the place attracts millions of tourist each year.
b. According to the legend,machu Picchu was considered to be a scared place.
c. All the gray granite structures are more than 50 tons weigh
d. The granite structure was discovered by a Yale archeologist recently

20. What is the main idea of the paragraph two ?

a. The scenery is very attractive
b. The description of Machu Picchu
c. Macchu Picchu is a sacred place
d. The temples were discovered in 1911

21. “ …. One of the most enigmatic ancient sites” .( Paragraph 1) the underlined word has similar meaning with ….

a. Ugly
b. New
c. Old
d. Recent

Kata kata susah dalam Bacaan

Peak = puncak
Enigmatic = misterius
Ancient = kuno
According = menurut
Sacred = sacral /menaktkan
Extraordinary = luar biasa
Erected = mengeraskan
Above = diatas
River = sungai
Preserved = dirawat
Gray = biru
Weigh = berat
Sculpted = dipatungkan
Ethereal = cerah
Attract = menarikdanunik

18. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. jawabanan yang paling sempurna yaitu D kita sanggup melihat di Machu Picchu yaitu benda kuno

19. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. jawabanan yang paling sesuai yaitu pilihan B,sesuai dengan paragraph pertama “ According to the legend, Machu Picchu was a sacred place”

20. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. pada pararagph ke dua secara keseluruhan menandakan wacana deskfripsi dari Machu Picchu,mulai dari bangunan,lokasi dan siapa yang menemukannya.

21. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. kata Ancient memiliki arti sama dengan Old yaitu renta atau klasik

soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tahun 2013 no 22-26

Riding on a canal bus is an enjoyable and relaxed way of getting around Amsterdam canals and it takes you to pass all the city’s top sights. You will see many kinds of building, from historic ones to the city’s narrowest houses. Canal bus boats also cruise along the most famous canals,bringin you to Amsterdam’s major museums, such as Van Gogh Museum, the Rijkos – Museum and the Ann Frank house. On Board we provide a multilingual commentary. Our comfortable boats offer a requent and regular service with 4 routes and 20 stops,including 6 transfer points. The stops are located near the museum, shopping district and tourist attractions. Your 24 hours ticket allows you to hop and off as often as you like.

22. What is the text about ?

a. Tourist resorts
b. City boats
c. Amsterdam canals
d. Canal Bus boats.

23. How many routes does the canal have ?

a. 24
b. 20
c. 6
d. 4

24. The passangers or the canal bus boat may hop and off as they like because it …

a. Provides a multilingual commentary
b. Sells tickets for 24 hours
c. Has 4 routes and 20 stops
d. Has enjoyable regulation

25. What is paragraph two about ?

a. The schedule of canal bus boat
b. The canal bus boat services
c. The cost of canal bus
d. Routes of the bus

26. From the text, we know that ….

a. The canal bus boat offers only regular service
b. Passangers can enjoy the beautiful museums as well
c. Passengers are not permitted to hop and off as they like.
d. The canal bus boat provides only a bilingual commentary.

Kata kata susah dari bacaan

Riding = mengendarai
Relaxed = santai
Getting around = berkeliling
Canals = sungai
Pass = melewati
Narrowest = sempit
Cruise = berlayar
Provide = menyediakan
Multilingual = bermacam macam bahasa
Frequent = jeda waktu
Including = termasuk
District = wilayah
Attractions = menarikdanunik
Allow = mengijinkan
Hop = bergerak / berpindah

22. Jawaban D

Pembahasan intinya bacaan tersebut menceritakan wacana pilihan D “ Canal Bus boats”

23. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Routes dalam hal ini sanggup dilihat pada paragraph 2 yaitu “ regular service with 4 routes … “

24. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. dapt dilihat pada kalimat terakhir paragraph 3

25. Jawaban

Pembahasan. parapraph dua menceritakan wacana layanan dari the canal bus boat services

26. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. dari teks tersebut pilihan A yaitu salah “ the canal bus boat offers only regular service” yaitu salah alasannya yaitu disini juga menunjukkan Frequent service. Pilihan C tidak sesuai dengan kalimat “ ,,,,allows you to hop and off as often as you like”.pilihan D tidak sesuai dengan kalimat “ … on Board we provide a multilingual commentary”

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