Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Pembahasan Un Bahasa Inggris Smp 2014/ 2015Part 1

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 part 1

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 part 2

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 1- 2

"Save the animals or our grandchildren will not ever see them "

1. What is the warning means ?

a. We have to take care our grandchildren
b. We have to take care the animal and the environment.
c. We have to take some animals for our grandchildren
d. We will never take some animal for our grand children.

2. Where cab we find the notice above ?

a. In the Hilll
b. In the mountain
c. In conservation animal area
d. In the field

1. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. Peringatan tersebuta artinya yaitu “ Selamatkan hewan atau anak cucu kita tidak akan pernah melihat hewan itu” sehingga mempunyai arti yang hampir sama dengan pilihan B yang berarti “ Kita harus merawat hewan dan lingkungan”

2. Jawaban C

pembahasan. Tulisan peringatan tersebut terang sekali berada pada hutan atau daerah penangkaran hewan sehingga jawabanan yang paling mungkinadalah C

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 3 - 4

To : My beloved mother

January 1, 2013

Hopefully this birtday give you spirit and joy to enjoy your life

“ Happy Birthday and Happy New Year”

Have a healthy,nice, and happy life mom

From your daughter


3. What is Yuni’s purpose to send the special card ?
a. To congratulate happy new yewar to her best friend
b. To invite someone to come to her birthday party
c. To congratulate happy birthday to her beloved mother
d. To share kasus with her best friend

4. What will Yuni hope for her mom ?
a. Healthy,nice and happy
b. Wealthy,Nice and Happy
c. Healthy, Nice and happy less
d. Healthy,Nice less and happy

3. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Pertanyaan ini menanyakan wacana Purpose = tujuan dari surat tersebut, dalam surat tersebut tertulis “ Happy Birthday and Happy New Year” yang berarti yaitu ulang tahun dan tahun baru. pengirim surat tersebut yaitu seorang anak “ YUNI “ untuk ibunya sehingga jawabanan yang paling benar yaitu C,

4. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Hope = harapan, dalam surat tersebut kalimat terakhir disebutkan “ Have a healthy, nice, and happy life mom” yang sesuai dengan plihan A, akhiran “- less” berarti lawan kata happy less = tidak senang

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 5 - 8

TO : Nia Nurmala

Dear Nia,

I would like to tell you about BBG,it is very interesting to visit,it near my house in Bogor. Bogor Botanical Garden ( BBG) is located in the centre of has the most complete tropical trees and is arranged the most beautifully in the world. The trees are planted according to their families.

BBG gives important contribution to sciences. As expected by Reinhardt, a botanist who wanted to establish the botanical garden, now it appears as the centre of important scientific research. Not only students and scientist,but also soldiers come here. Students and botanist from all over the world come to make scientific literature. Soldiers come to this garden to study the kinds of fruit,leaves, roots and trunks of trees that can be eaten when they held out in forest.

When you have time,please come here to walk around in BBG.


Daniel Beckam

5. .... not it appears as the centre of important scientific research ... ( paragraph 3)
a. Bogor Botanical Garden
b. Reinhardt
c. Botanist
d. Science

6. Which one of the following statements below is not correct according to the text ?
a. BBG has the most complete tropical trees and they are planted according to their families
b. BBG is arranged the most beautifully in the world
c. BBG gives important contribution to sciences.
d. Soldiers come to BBG to make scientific literature.

7. What is the main idea of the 3rd paragraph ?
a. The hope of Reinhardt to BBG.
b. BBG is the centre of scientific research
c. The contributions of BBG for science
d. Students,Botanist and soldiers make scientific research

8. Not only students and scientist, but also soldiers come here. The closest meaning with the underline word is ....

a. Researcher
b. Founder
c. Inventor
d. Developer

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 9 - 10

Please come punctually in the curriculum meeting tomorrow morning at 8.a.m. In the meeting hall second floor,thanks.

The headmaster of Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Cakra

9. Who are probably come in the meeting ?
a. The staff
b. All the teachers
c. All the teachers and the students
d. Only vice of Head master

10. Please Come Punctually ... The underlined word has the same meaning with ....

a. On the second floor
b. On time
c. In the meeting hall
d. Join

Kata kata yang dianggap susah dari bacaan

Interesting = menarikdanunik
Visit = mengunjungi
Located = terletak
Tropical = tropis
Arranged = disusun
Planted = ditanam
According = menurut
Contribution = donasi
= diharapkan
Botanist = speasialist mahir tumbuhan

5. Jawaban A

Pembahasan kata “ IT” dalam kalimat tersebut yaitu menggantikan Bogor Botanical Garden, walaupun dalam paragraph 3 kata tersebut disingkat dengan BBG.

6. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan teks bahwasanya mencarinya tidak begitu susah, Pilihan A ada pada paragraph ke 2, Pilihan B ada pada paragraph ke 2, pilihan C ada pada paragraph ke tiga kalimat pertama. Sedangkan pada pilihan D tidak sesuai dengan bacaan

7. Jawaban C

Pembahasan main idea atau pandangan gres pokok yaitu kalimat penjelas atau terpenting dalam sebuah paragraph, biasanya terletak di pertama paragraph

8. Jawaban A

Pembahasan, kata Scientists = Researcher , founder = pendiri, Inventor = penemu, Inventor = penemu, Developer = pengembang

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 11 - 12


Baba plaza Ground Floor ( next to Hyatt Hotel ) Jl. Hariono 456.Surabaya. Telp 5903287 8, Fax 5903286, Email King’ Come and enjoy our excellent food and quality service in superb ambience.

11. What is the advertisement offered ?

a. Chinese Food
b. Chinese service
c. Cuisine
d. Meals

12. Come and enjoy our excellent food and quality service in a superb ambience. The underline word has the same meaning with ....

a. Milieu
b. Place
c. Bought
d. Silence

Kata kata yang dianggap susah

Punctually ( adverb) = sempurna waktu
Hall = daerah pertemuan
Headmaster = kepala sekolah

9. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. pesan atau memo tersebut dikirim oleh kepala sekolah, dalam rapat Kurikulum yang akan diadakan besok pagi sehingga kemungkinan besar yang akan dating yaitu para guru.

10. Jawabaan B

Pembahasan. kata punctually yaitu adverb kata ketarangan yang artinya sempurna waktu, dan kata yang paling cocok yaitu B ( on time) yang mempunyai arti sama.

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 13 - 15


OSIS Committee are expected to attend the meeting on :
Day / date : Saturday,February 23, 2012
Time : 13.00
Place : OSIS room
Theme : Preparation for school anniversary

Note : all Committee must come



13. Who writes the announcement above ?

a. The headmaster does
b. The teacher does
c. The OSIS Chairman does
d. The OSIS Committe does

14. Who are come to the meeting ?

a. Staff
b. Committee
c. All Committee
d. The chairman

15. Preparation for school anniversary .the italic word has the opposite meaning with ...

a. Celebrated
b. Decorated
c. Blow lines
d. Selfish

Kata kata yang dianggap susah

Announcement = pengumuman
Expected = diharapkan
Attend = menghadiri
Preparation = persiapan
Anniversary = ulang tahun
Chairman = ketua

13. Jawaban C

Pembawahan. Kalimat tersebut menanyakan wacana siapa yang menulis pengumuman, yang kemungkinan menulis pengumuman tersebut yaitu ketua osis,

14. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. surat tersebut menunjukkan kalau tiruana komite harus hadir pada kalimat “ Note = all committee must come”

15. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. kata Anniversary mempunyai arti sama dengan Celebrated.

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 16 - 18

All of Students Grade 9

You are invited to :

GRADUATION PARTY 2010 Sekolah Menengah Pertama AL – BAROKAH

Day/ date : Saturday, 3rd June 2012 – 11 -10

Time : 10.00 am – 13.00 pm

Venue : Meeting hall room of Sekolah Menengah Pertama AL – BAROKAH Jl. Melati no 03 Lumajang

Come and join us

*invitation cards are available at the OSIS room

16. The word of “ Venue” on the text above is close in meaning ....

a. Where
b. Street
c. Place
d. Home

17. Where will the graduation party be held ?

a. At the OSIS room
b. At the Sekolah Menengah Pertama AL – Barokah
c. At the school meeting hall room
d. At the canteen

18. Come and join us. the bold type above refers to ....

a. School
b. The 9 grade students
c. Room

Kata kata yang dianggap susah dari bacaan

Grade = kelas / tingkatan
Invited = diundang
Graduation = kelulusan
Venue = daerah
Available = tersedia

16. Jawaban C

Pembahasan . kata venue yaitu daerah Venue = Place,

17. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. pada kalimat tersebut “ where will the graduation party be held ?” mempunyai arti dimana pesta kelulusan akan dilakukan jawabanannya yaitu antara B dan C akan tetapi jawabanan paling cocok yaitu C alasannya yaitu lebih khusus.

18. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. kata Us dalam kalimat tersebut condong ke OSIS alasannya yaitu kata tersebut berasal dari kata pengundang, dan pihak yang mengundang yaitu OSIS.

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 19 - 20


Safari Dharma Raya Jkt to Jogja 230.000

8 Hours 6. a.m Putera Remaja Jkt to Jogja 270.000 8 Hours 9.a.m Lorena Jkt to Jogja 180.000 9 Hours 4.30 p.m AKAS Jkt to Jogja 179.000 9 Hours 11 a. M Dahlia Jkt to Jogja 169.000 10 Hours 1 p. M .

19. What bus shall we take if we want to arrive in Yogyakarta in the afternoon ?

a. Dahlia
b. Akas
c. Putera Remaja
d. Safari Dharma Raya

20. If we go to Yogyakarta by taking Putera Remaja bus, we will need ... than Safari Dharma Raya bus.

a. More money
b. Much money
c. More time
d. Less time

Kata yang dianggap susah dari table
Journey time = waktu yang dibutuhkan
Time departure = waktu pemberangkatan
Cost = harga

19. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. pertanyaan no 19 berarti “ Bus apa yang harus kita ambil untuk hingga di Jogyakarta di siang hari ?” . sehingga untuk hingga di Jogya disiang hari kita harus menaiki Safari Dharma Raya yang berangkat dari pukul 06 pagi dan hingga di Jogya pukul 14.00 siang.

20. jawabanan A

Pembahasan. dalam pertanyaan tersebut artinya yaitu “ jikalau kita pergi ke Yogyakarta dengan memakai Bus Putera Remaja, kami akan membutuhkan …dari bus Safari Dharma Raya” kalau kita lihat dalam table maka Bus Petera jaya lebih mahal dari Safari Dharma Raya sehingga kita membutuhkan lebih banyak uang .

Soal dan Pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2014/2015 no 21 - 26

What did you have for breakfast this morning ? do you ever have sandwich ? what is sandwich ? yes, It is made of two slices of bread with something inside. How to make a sandwich ? first, take two slices of bread, spread them with butter. Then put one slice of egg, strawberry jam, a slice of cheese etc. After that, join the two slices of bread togethre. Finally, your sandwich is ready .

21. The title fo text is ....

a. How to prepare a sandwich
b. What is a sandwich
c. Something for breakfast
d. How to make a sandwich

22. What is the third step in making a sandwich based on the text ?

a. Take two slices of butter
b. Spread the bread with butter
c. Your sandwich is ready
d. Join the two slices of bread together

23. “ after that join the two slices of bread” what does the opposite meaning of the word “join” in the text ?

a. Separate
b. Break
c. Into
d. Throw

24. How many steps are needed to make sandwich ?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

25. Which one is not the language features included in the procedure above ?

a. Focusing on human
b. Using action process
c. Using imperative sentence
d. Using classification

26. First, take two slices of bread,spread them with butter The italic bold word has the same meaning with ....

a. Threw
b. Propagate
c. Long
d. Make

Kata kata susah dari bacaan

Sandwich = sandwich
Slices = potong
Bread = roti
Spread = tebarkan
Butter = margarine
Put = letakkan
Join = gabungkan
Ready = siap

21. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan wacana apa judul dari bacaan tersebut, kalau kita membaca secara keseluruhan maka sebagian besar bacaan tersebut mengulas wacana bagaimana cara untuk membuat sebuah Sandwich, sehingga jawabanannya yaitu D

22. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. pada kalimat tersebut langkah terakhir dalam membuat sandwich yaitu langkah ke tiga langkah ketiga ada pada kalimat dua dari bawah yaitu “ Join the two slices of bread together”

23. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Opposite meaning yaitu Lawan kata, sehingga lawan kata dari Join ( menyatakan) yaitu Separate ( Memisahkan)

24. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. langkah langkah dalam pembuatan sandwich ada tiga langkah

25. Jawaban –

26. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. Spread = menebar, meluaskan. Threw = melempar, Propagate = o cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater area, long = Panjang, make = menciptakan.

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