Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Adalah sebuah tensis yang dipakai untuk menceritakan sebuah acara yang sedang terjadi sebelum acara lain dalam waktu masa lalu. Tenses ini memang jarang dipakai dibanding dengan tenses yang lain. Tenses ini ialah bentuk past dari Present perfect continues. Untuk lebih memahami wacana past perfect continues perhatikan teladan dibawah ini.

Rumus/Pola Past Perfect Continues.

(+) Subject + Had + Been + Ving

( - ) Subject + Had + Not +Been + Ving

( ? ) Had + Subject + Been + Ving

misal kalimat dengan pola Past Perfect Continuous

  • Eric finally came at six o’clock. I had been waiting for him since four-thirty.
  • The Police had been looking for the criminal for two years before they caught him.
  • When the boys came into the house,their clothes were dirty,their hair was untidy and one of them had a black eye. They had been fighting.
  • I was very tired when i arrived home. I had been working hard all day.
  • Our game of tennis was interrupted. We had been playing for about half an hour when it started to rain very heavily.
  • Ken gave up smoking two years ago. He had been smoking for 30 years.
  • When Judy got home,her hair was still wet because she had been swimming
  • I went to Ed’s house after the funeral. His eyes were red because he had been crying.
Past perfect Continuous
Biasanya acara tersebut dilampaui oleh kalimat present/ bukan masa lampau Biasanya dipakai untuk menceritakan masa kemudian sehingga dalam kalimat yang terdapat tenses berbentuk past.
I hope the bus comes soon.I have been waiting for 20 minutes At Last the bus came. I had been waiting for 20 minutes
He is out of breath.he has been running He was out of breath. He had been running.


Latihan Soal Past Perfect Continues

1. We .... (wait) for Nancy for the last two hours, but she still has not arrived.

2. We .... (wait) for nancy for over three hours before she finally arrived yesterday.

3. It is midnight. I .... (study) for five straight hours. No wonder I am getting tired.

4. It was midnight. I.... (study) for five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired.

5. Jack suddenly realized that the teacher was asking him a question. He could not answer because he .... (daydream) for the last ten minutes.

6. Wake up! You .... (sleep) long enough. It is time to get up.

Jawaban dan Pembahasan Soal Past Perfect Contunuous

1. We have been waiting for Nancy for the last two hours, but she still has not arrived.

Pada kalimat diatas memakai kalimat perfect continuous lantaran hal ini disebabkan oleh kalimat sebelahnya tensesnya present dibuktikan oleh kalimat She Still Has not arrived

2. We had been waiting for nancy for over three hours before she finally arrived yesterday.

Pada kalimat diatas memakai kalimat Past perfect, lantaran tenses yang bersebelahan memakai kalimat simple past sehingga sebelahnya otomatis akan ikut menjadi kalimat past perfect

3. It is midnight. I have been studying for five straight hours. No wonder I am getting tired.

Pada kalimat tersebut menceritakan sebuah durasi sebuah acara dari masa kemudian hingga sekarang, dan tenses yang sebelahnya ialah simple present continues sehingga tenses yang dipakai untuk mengisinya ialah present perfect continues.

4. It was midnight. I had been studying for five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired.

Pada kalimat diatas menunjukan sebuah durasi acara pada masa lalu, dibuktikan dengan kalimat It was midnight, sehingga tenses yang dipakai ialah past Perfect Continues.

5. Jack suddenly realized that the teacher was asking him a question. He could not answer because he had been daydreaming for the last ten minutes.

Kalimat diatas menceritakan kehidupan masa kemudian atau past, hal ini dibuktikan dengan kata was, could. Sehingga untuk menghisinya kita harus memakai past perfect continues

6. Wake up! You have been sleeping long enough. It is time to get up.

Pada kalimat diatas menunjukan durasi aktivitas,dan berbentuk present,dibuktikan oleh kalimat it is time to get up. Sehingga kita memakai you have been sleeping long enough.

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