Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Past Perfect


Past Perfect yaitu sebuah tenses yang dipakai untuk mengekspresikan sebuah kegiatan yang terjadi sebelum kegiatan lain dan terjadi pada masa lalu. Sehingga sanggup dijelaskan secara sederhana yaitu kegiatan sebelum kegiatan masa lalu. Sebagai misalnya perhatikan kalimat dibawah ini.

Sam arrived at 10:00. Ann left at 09:30. Ann had already left when Sam arrived.

Pada kalimat diatas secara terang bahwa Ann sudah pergi dikala sam hadir dan kejadian ini terjadi pada masa lalu.

Rumus Past perfect

(+)Subect + had + V3 + keterangan

(-)Subect + had +not + V3 + keterangan

(?)had + Subect + V3 + keterangan

Pada past perfect subject tidak kuat alasannya yaitu memakai had, tidak peduli apakah kalimat tersebut jamak atau tunggal selalu memakai Had. Perhatikan pola contoh kalimatnya dibawah ini.

1. When we got home last night,we found that somebody had broken into the flat

2. Karen did not want to come to the cinema with us because she had already seen the film.

3. At first I thought I had done the right thing, but I soon realised that I had made a serious mistake.

4. The man sitting next to me on the plgua was very nervous. He had not flown before.

Latihan Soal Past Perfect.

1. Samir (be) ........a newspaper reporter before he ......(become) a businessman.

2. I ......(feel) a little better after I .......(take) the medicine.

3. I was late. The teacher (give, already) ............a quiz when I ....(get) to class.

4. It was raining hard,but by the time class .....(be) over, the rain ......(stop)

5. Millions of the years ago,dinosaurs .....(roam) the earth,but they .....(become) extinct by the time people first ....(appear)

6. I ....(see,never) any of picasso’s paintings before I .... (visit) the art museum.

7. After work,I went to Rosa’s office to give eher a ride home,but I couldn’t find her. She .....(leave) with someone else.

8. I got ready to pay the bill,but when I ..... (look) in my pocket,I discovered that I ..... (leave) my wallet at home.with some embarrassment, I told my friend that I ..... (forget) my wallet. She kindly .....(offer) to pay my part of the bill for me.

9. Yesterday at a meeting,I .....(see) Rick Collns,an old friend of mine. I.....(see,not) him in years. At first, I......(recognize,not) him because he.......(lose) a great deal of weight.

10. In 1980, My parents .....(emigrate) to the United States from China.They ........(travel,never) outside China and were,of course,excited by the challenge of relocating to a foreign country. Eventually,they .....(settle) in California.My sister and I were born there and ..... (grow) up there. Last year,I ........(go) to china for the first time to study at Beijing University. I..... (want, always) to visit China and learn more about my own family background. My dreams finally came true.

Jawaban dan Pembahasan Soal Past Perfect

1. Samir had been a newspaper reporter before he became a businessman.

2. I felt a little better after I took the medicine.

3. I was late. The teacher had already given a quiz when I got to class.

Pada kalimat pertama The teacher had already given a quiz terjadi sebelum kalimat I got to class sehingga memakai past perfect, suplemen pula ada kata Already yang ialah ciri kalimat past perfect.

4. It was raining hard,but by the time class was over, the rain had been stopped

Pada kalimat The rain had been stopped terjadi sebelum the class was over,sehingga kita memakai kalimat past perfect.

5. Millions of the years ago,dinosaurs roamed the earth,but they had become extinct by the time people first appereared

Pada kalimat Dinosaurs Roamed the earth memakai kalimat simple past tense alasannya yaitu menceritakan masa lalu, sedangkan kalimat they had become extinct mengguakan kalimat past perfect,sedangkan kaliamt people first appeared memakai kalimat past tense.

6. I had never seen any of picasso’s paintings before I visited the art museum.

Kalimat kedua pertama memakai kalimat past perfect alasannya yaitu menceritakan masa kemudian dari masa lalu, sedangkan kalimat ke dua I Visited memakai past tense.

7. After work, I went to Rosa’s office to give eher a ride home, but I couldn’t find her. She had left with someone else

She had left with someone else memakai past perfect,karena terjadi setelah kalimat pertama.

8. I got ready to pay the bill,but when I looked in my pocket,I discovered that I had left my wallet at home.with some embarrassment, I told my friend that I had forgetton my wallet. She kindly offered to pay my part of the bill for me

9. Yesterday at a meeting,I saw Rick Collns,an old friend of mine. I had not seen him in years. At first, I did not recognized him because he had lost a great deal of weight.

10. In 1980, My parents emigrated to the United States from China.They had never traveled outside China and were, of course, excited by the challenge of relocating to a foreign country. Eventually,they settled in California.My sister and I were born there and grew up there. Last year,I went to china for the first time to study at Beijing University. I had always wanted to visit China and learn more about my own family background. My dreams finally came true.

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