Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Pembahasan Un Bahasa Inggris Smk 2010 Part 3

Soal dan pembahasan Ujian Nasional (UN) Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2010
Soal dan pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2010 part 1
Soal dan pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2010 part 2
Soal dan pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2010 part 3

WienBach Stationery Ltd
27Jl. Kayu Manis, Jakarta 13210 (021)4721454
March 16, 2010

Ms. Denia
Hope Ltd
18 Jl. Tarumguagara 45
Kalimantan 22543
Dear Ms. Denia

Thank you for ordering 20 cases of premium paper from WienBach Stationery Ltd. Your order has been shipped and should reach you within the next five business days.

Find your enclosed total bill for the above order amounting to Rp. 5.000.000 and the check for Rp.500.000 is your refund. Because you paid in advance, we are giving you a 10 percent cash discount and we are paying for the shipping and handling, also

WienBach Stationery Ltd is pleased to add you to its list of customers. We look forward to your next order.

Customer Service

36. Where is the order delivered to ?

a. Jakarta
b. Pontianak
c. Wienbach warehouse
d. Wienbach Stationery Ltd.

37. Paragraph two tells about ….

a. The half price of the total order
b. shipping and handling fees of the products.
c. the rebate of the total payment
d. the percentage of billing payment.

38. “ … pleased to add you to its list of customers.” ( paragraph 3 sentence 1) the underlined word refers to ….

a. paper corporation
b. shipping company
c. Hope Ltd
d. Wienbach Stationery Ltd.

Kata kata yang dianggap susah dari bacaan

Ordering = memesan
Shipped = dikirim
Reach = hingga
Enclosed = lampiran
Bill = harga
Amounting = jumlah
Refund = uang kembalian
Advance = pembayaran dimuka
Handling = pengepakan
Look forward = menantikan

36. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. dalam surat tersebut surat dikirim oleh WienBach Stationery Ltd yang berlokasi di Jakartar, dan surat tersebut diterima oleh MS Denia di pontianak dalam soal terdapat pertanyaan berbentuk passive yaitu “ Where is the order delivered to ?” yang artinya dimana surat tersebtu dikirim. Sehingga jawabanannya ialah pilihan B.

37. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. pada paragraph 2 secara keseluruhan pertanda wacana pembayaran sehingga yang paling cocok ialah Pilihan D

38. Jawaban D

Pembahasan.kata “its” ialah pengganti kata benda sehingga kita cari kata benda yang paling bersahabat dengan kata tersebut sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok ialah “Wienbach Stationery Ltd”

Indonesia : Facts and Figures

( 2006 – 2009) Electricity from thermal sources 86,93 percent ( 2001 estimate)
Electricity from hydroelectric sources 10,52 percent (2001 estimate)
Electricity from nuclear sources 0 percent (2001 estimate)
Electricity from geothermal, solar, and wind sources 2.55 percent ( 2001 estimate)
Number of radios per 1000 people 155 ( 1997)
Number of telephones per 1000 people 35 ( 2001)
Number of televisions per 1000 people 145 ( 2000 estimate)
Number of Internet hosts per 10.000 people 2.2 ( 2001)
Daily newspaper circulation per 1000 people 145 ( 2000 estimate)
Number of motor vehicles per 1000 people 25 ( 1998)
Paved road as a share of total roads 46 percent ( 1999)

39. What is the table about ?

a. The usage of hydro and panas bumi for electric energy
b. The expense of energy for 1000 people during 3 years.
c. The consumption of energy, communication, and transportation
d. the need of electronic devices and natural resources for 1000 people

40. The energy not being used is from ….

A. wind sources
b. Electricity sources
c. nuclear sources
d. thermal sources

41. “ electricity from geothermal, solar, and wind sources”. The underlined word is close in meaning to with …..

a. sun
b. moon
c. kerosene
d. gasoline

Kata Kata yang dianggap susah dari bacaan
Electricity = listrik
Sources = sumber
Thermal = gerah
Geothermal = gerah bumi
Solar = matahari
Wind = angin
Circulation = peredaran
Vehicles = kendaraan
Paved = aspal

39. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Secara umum table tersebut pertanda wacana sumber energi ( electricity sources) dan konsumsi energi ( Number of....)dari tahun 2006 – 2007 sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok ialah D.

40. Jawaban C

Pembahasan.pertanyaan tersebut “ The energy not being used is from .....” yang artinya ialah energy yang tidak dipakai adalah, melihat table Electricity from nuclear sources berjumlah 0 % sehingga jawabanannya adlah C.

41. Jawaban A

Pembahasan, Solar ialah Sun, sumber dari cahaya matahari.

Actor, director, producer, born on January 3, 1956, in Peekskill, New York, Mel Gibson spent the remainder of his childhood in Sydney, where he attended an all-boys Catholic high school. After Gibson’s high school graduation, he considered becoming a chef or journalist. However, when his sister submitted an application on his behalf on The National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, he decided to audition. Without any prior acting experience, he was accepted and enrolled in the drama school. While there, he made his stage debut in a production of Romeo and Juliet, and his screen debut in the low – budget film Summer City ( 1977). Upon his graduation that year, Gibson joined the Southern Australian Theater Company, where he appeared in the title roles of classical productions, such as Oedipus and Henry IV.

After conquering the stage, Gibson tried his hand at television, landing his first role on the Australian series the Survivals. In 1979, Gibson graduated to mainstream cinema with his role as a futuristic warrior in Mad Max, ad as mentally retarded man I love with Piper Laurie in Tim, for which he earned his first Australian Film Institute ( AFI) Award for Best Actor. Furthermore, Mad Max became the biggest commercial success of any Australian film, grossing over $100 million worldwide.

42. what is the text about ?

a. High school for actors
b. Southern Australian Theater.
c. Actors, directors, and producers.
d. Mel Gibson’s experience

43. What did Gibson do after graduating from Senior High School ?

a. Came for an audition
b. Became a chef or journalist
c. Tried his hand at television
d. Submitted an application

44. “ …. His stage debut” ( sentence 4 paragraph 2). The underlined word has a similar meaning to ….

a. Building
b. first career
c. company
d. film

Kata kata susah dari bacaan.
Born = dilahirkan
Spent = menghabiskan
Remainder = sisa waktu
Attended = mengjhadiri
Considered = mempertimbangkan
Submitted = mengumpulkan
Behalf = representative ( perwakilan)
Prior = utama
Accepted = mendapatkan
Enrolled = menjadi siswa
Debut =pertama
Low – budget = berdana rendah
Joined = bergabung
Appeared = muncul
Conquering = menguasai
Role = tugas
Retarded man = make development
Earned = mendapatkan
Grossing = laba

42. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. pada bacaan diatas ialah menceritakan wacana Mel Gibson dari masa sekolah hingga film yang dibintanginya,sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok ialah D

43. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Jawaban dalam kalimat ini terdapat pada paragraph 2, “he considered becoming a chef or journalist. However,when his sister submitted an application on his behalf on The National Instiitute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, he decided to audition” yang artinya “dia mempertimbangkan untuk menjadi seoran chef atau journalist, akan tetapi dikala kakaknya mengumpulkan laramran ke National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney,dia memutuskan untuk ikut audisi”.

44. Jawaban B

Pembahasan = Debut = pertama = first career

Subscribe now and get up to 45 % off the newsstand price. Just follow three steps :

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a. I would like to get the Jakarta Globe at a special discount rate of Rp 468.000,00 for 3 moths, a saving of 30 % from the newsstand price.

b. I would like to get the Jakarta Globe at a special discount rate of Rp 1.404.000, 00 for 12 months, a saving of 45 % from the newsstand price.

2. Transfer the amount of the offer you want to Lippo Bank Gatot Subroto, account no 73838979, PT Jakarta Globe Media

3. Cut out and fax us the coupon provided at 622553258 together with the proof of the bank transfer.

PS: We also offer monthly subscription at a price or Rp 195.000,00 per month. If you prefer this option, please contact your local delivery agent to find out who your nearest agent is, call our customer service at the number above.

45. What is the information about ?

a. How to be a subscriber
b. How to send the Money
c. How to be a reader
d. How to fax the coupon

46. what is the third step if you want to be a subscriber ?

a. transfer the amount to the bank
b. Call customer care staff
c. Contact local delivery order agent.
d. Cut the coupon provided and fax it.

47. What should you do if you want to save 30 % from the newsstand price ?

a. Get the paper at special discount for six months.
b. Buy the paper at special discount for 12 months.
c. Transfer the amount for the offer to Lippo Bank.
d. Transfer the amount for the 3-month special discount.

Kata kata susah yang ada pada bacaan

Subscribe = langganan
get up = dapatkan
Steps = langkah langkah
Tick = tebalkan
Prefer = lebih suka
Saving = simpan / irit
Amount = sejumlah
Cut out = potong
Proof = dokumen / bukti pembayaran
Delivery = pengiriman

45. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. pada bacaan diatas ialah langkah langkah untuk menjadi pelanggan koran,terdapat beberapa pilihan discount sehingga jawabanan yang paling benar ialah A

46. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. pada langkah ini ialah no 3, yang pada dasarnya sama dengan pilihan D

47. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Hal ini sanggup dilihat pada pilihan langkah yang pertama, “I would like to get the Jakarta Globe at a special discount rate of Rp 468.000,00 for 3 moths, a saving of 30 % from the newsstand price.” Yang artinya ialah saya akan mendaptkan discount rate 468.000 selama 3 bulan dan irit 30 persen dari daftar harga” sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok ialah D

Toyota, a city in Japan, is on east central Honshu Island, in central Aichi Prefecture on the Yahagi River. Toyota is the headquarter of the Toyota Motor Corporation and is a major automobile manufacturing and assembly center. A classic company town, it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants, office complexes, and housing developments for workers and their families. The city was formerly named Koromo, Meaning “ clothing” and prospered from the late 19th century until the 1930s as a center of the silk industry. Its development as an automobile manufacturing center began with the opening of the first assembly plant in 1937. The city’s name was changed to Toyota in 1959 after the second plant, Motomachi, was opened and the population began to grow rapidly. Population ( 2002): 342,835

48. What is the main idea of the text ?

a. The history of the Toyota City
b. The geopraphical aspects of the Toyota City
c. The production of the Toyota Motor Corporation
d. The families and workers of the Toyota Motor Corporation

49. What was the old name of the Toyota City ?

a. Yahagi
b. Honshu
c. Koromo
d. Motomachi

50. The “ their “ in the sentence “ it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants,office complexes,and housing development for workers and their families” refers to ....

a. Workers
b. Headquarters
a. assembly plants
d. housing developments.

Kata – kata susah dalam bacaan.
Headquarter = sentra
Assembly = perakitan
Layout = layout /tata letak
Sprawling = kurang teratur
Formely = doloenya
Prospered = berhasil

48. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. pada dasarnya obrolan tersebut pertanda wacana sejarah dari Toyota City

49. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan wacana apa nama usang dari kota toyota,nama usang dari Toyota ialah Koromo

50 Jawaban A

Pembahasan.kata tersetut ialah penggganti dari Workers

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