Kamis, 01 Maret 2018

Analytical Exposition, Pembasan Pola Dan Terjemahannya

Analytical Exposition ialah sebuah text dalam bahasa inggris yang menandakan pandangan gres dari penulis wacana fenomena yang sedang hangat atau layak untuk diperbincangkan. dan Analytical Exposition sendiri memiliki tujuan untuk meyakinkan pembaca atau pendengar bahwa sesuatu memang menyerupai itu, dan layak menerima perhatian. Text analytical Exposition sendiri hampir menyerupai dengan text Hortatory Exposition yang sama sama mengemukakan pendapat.

Generic Structure atau bab belahan dari Analytical Exposition.

1. Thesis Pada bab ini dipaparkan sebuah topic dan penulis menunjukkan pendapatnya dan mempersembahkan outline argumentasi untuk disadurkan.

2. Arguments Terdiri darimasing masing pendapat yang dijelaskan untuk mendukung argumetasi atau pendapat dari penulsis

3. Conclusion / Reiteration Ini bukan ialah masukan menyerupai pada text Hortatory Exposition akan tetapi melainkan sebuah pendapat yang memperkuat pendapat pertama dari penulis.

Language Features / susunan Bahasa pada Analytical Exposition

• Focus on generic human and non human participants.
• Use mental processes. It is used to state what the writer or speaker thinks or feels about something, for example: realize, feel, etc.
• Need material processes. It is used to state what happens, for example: has polluted, etc.
• Use of simple present tense.
• Use of relational processes.
• Use of internal conjunction to state argument.
• Reasoning through casual conjunction or nominalization.

Use of Formalin and Other Additives in Foods

The use of Formalin and other dangerous preservatives in foods has been a serious problem for three reasons. Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological specimen and experiments. Formalin in Biology is a 10 % solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food preservative. Of course when it is used for food preservative, it will be very dangerous to humans’ body.

The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This condition makes the people’s health is really in threat. When the control is weak and the use of formalin was spread wide all over the Indonesian regions, and these days it has really happened, the citizens’ bodies will be badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their products which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our digestive system absorbs the substance that should be for the human and animal corpses?

The third is that the difficult economy seems not end. This can make situation worse. We all know that today’s economy is very difficult. People buy daily products and fulfill their need with high costs. Things are getting more and more expensive. Consequently, the food production cost increases. For example, the preservation process for fish will be much cheaper f the producers use formalin. They know the danger of Formalin, but they don’t care about the other’s health. What is in their mind is only how to get profit.

Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin and other preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved immediately.

Pembahasan Generic Structure dan language feature serta terjemahan dari Analytical exposition diatas.
Use of Formalin and Other Additives in Foods

The use of Formalin and other dangerous preservatives in foods has been a serious problem for three reasons.

Pada paragraph diatas ialah sebuah “ thesis” atau sebuah pendapat dari penulis dan memakai tenses present yaitu berjenis Simple present perfect tense “ has been a fokus”

Penggunaan Formalin dan pengawet berbahaya dalam makann sudah menjadi problem yang fokus alasannya ialah tiga alasan.

Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological specimen and experiments. Formalin in Biology is a 10 % solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food preservative. Of course when it is used for food preservative, it will be very dangerous to humans’ body.

Pada paragraph diatas ialah argument pendukung Thesis / paragraph pertama

Pertama, Formalin bukan untuk manusia, akan tetapi ini untuk percobaan . Formalin dalam Biologi ialah sepuluh persen dar Formaldehyde dalam air yang biasanya dipakai sebagai pemmembersihkan atau mengawetkan spesies. Karena itu, Formalin tidak untuk pengawet makanan. Tentu saja dikala ini dipakai untuk pengawet makanan, akan sangat berbahaya ke badan manusia.

The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This condition makes the people’s health is really in threat. When the control is weak and the use of formalin was spread wide all over the Indonesian regions, and these days it has really happened, the citizens’ bodies will be badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their products which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our digestive system absorbs the substance that should be for the human and animal corpses?

Pada paragraph diatas ialah argument pendukung Thesis / paragraph pertama

Alasan kedua ialah tidak ada pengendalian yang ketat dari pemerintah. Kondisi ini membuat kesehatan orang orang menjadi ancaman. Ketika control tersebut lemah dan peggunaan Formalin melebar luas di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, dan hari hari ini sudah terjadi, masyarakat masyarakat akan tercemar oleh racun. Penjual ikan dan kuliner masih menjual produk mereka yang tercemar Formalin dan pengawet berbahaya. Dapatkah engkau membayangkan bahwa system pencernaan kita menyerap zat yang seharusnya untuk jasad insan dan binatang.

The third is that the difficult economy seems not end. This can make situation worse. We all know that today’s economy is very difficult. People buy daily products and fulfill their need with high costs. Things are getting more and more expensive. Consequently, the food production cost increases. For example, the preservation process for fish will be much cheaper If the producers use formalin. They know the danger of Formalin, but they don’t care about the other’s health. What is in their mind is only how to get profit.

Pada paragraph diatas ialah argument pendukung Thesis / paragraph pertama

Yang ketiga ialah bahwa kesusahan ekonomi belum berakhir. Ini sanggup menjadi semakin buruk. Kita tiruana tahu bahwa ekonomi kini sudah sangat susah. Orang orang membeli kebutuhan sehari hari mereka dan memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dengan harga yang mahal. Segala sesuatu menjadi lebih mahal. Akibatnya,ongkos produksi kuliner akan melambung. Sebagai contoh, proses pengawetan ikan akan lebih murah bila pembuatnya memakai formalin. Mereka tahu ancaman formalin, akan tetapi mereka tidak peduli wacana kesehatan yang lain. Apa yang ada pada pikiran mereka ialah bagaimana untuk menerima untung.

Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin and other preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved immediately.

Pada paragraph terakhir diatas ialah conclusion atau reiteration yang ialah kesimpluan, dan sama dengan yang ditekankan pada pada paragraph pertama bahma.

Memperhatikan alasan tersebut, kita sanggup membuat kesimpulan bahwa penerapan formaln dan pengawet lainnya ialah problem fokus bila tidak diselesaikan segera.

1. What is the purpose of the text ? The text above is analytical Exposition and the social function of the text is to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case.

2. What the tense is used in the text ? the text used a present tense , how do you know that ?

3. What is the function of formalin actually ? the function of the formalin are usually used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens

4. Why do food producers like to use formalin actually ? because it is cheap

5. Has the government controlled the use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives effectively ? No, it has not.

6. “ they know the danger of formalin, but they don’t care about the others’ health” ( paragraph 4).what does “ they” in the sentence refer to ?they in the sentence refer to the producers of food

7. What can human being suffer if they consume formalin for a long time ? It can damage their health

8. Do you think that the problem is very complicated ? Why ? Yes, I do , because it can not be resolved immediately

9. What should be done about this matter ? The government should make a tight rule

Illegal Logging

Illegal Logging is really a problematic case in this country. There are three reasons why it is the case.

Firstly, the illegal logging has threatened the people who live in the countryside around or under the area. The bald forest or hills make a big danger when the rainy seasons come. The great quantity of water can create landslides since there are no enough trees to hold the water and land. We have seen the landslide disasters which happened in many areas in Indonesia. The number of the areas struck by landslide has increased.

The second reason is that the uncontrolled trees felling seems to go on without any significant effort of the government to stop it. According to some news sources in Newspaper and news acara on TV, the activities of illegal cutting of the trees in some regions are actually known b the government officers. The police and local government let them cut the threes because they are given much money for themselves. They do not think their actions endanger the people around the forests. Therefore, it can be said that illegal logging is illegal but known by the officers.

The third is that the illegal felling of the forest trees can destroy the natural ecosystem. When the forest trees are continuously cut and the rein forestation is not done as the rule, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger. The system which is formed by the interaction between a community of organisms, including humans and animals, and their physical environment will be threatened. Human beings in several villages have been killed. Wide areas of farms are destroyed by the piles of mud and thousands of farm animals are killed and lost. Who are suffering ?

Based on the given reasons, uncontrolled illegal logging is a serious problem that needs to be solved immediately by both the government and citizens as the owners of the forest.

Illegal Logging

Illegal Logging is really a problematic case in this country. There are three reasons why it is the case.

Pembalakan liar ialah permasalahan yang berat di negeri ini. Ada tiga alasan kenapa sanggup menyerupai ini.

Firstly, the illegal logging has threatened the people who live in the countryside around or under the area. The bald forest or hills make a big danger when the rainy seasons come. The great quantity of water can create landslides since there are no enough trees to hold the water and land. We have seen the landslide disasters which happened in many areas in Indonesia. The number of the areas struck by landslide has increased.

Pertama, penebangan liar mengancam orang orang yang tinggal di pedesaan atau di bawah area tersebut. Hutan gundul atau bukit membuat sebuah ancaman yang besar dikala trend hujan hadir. Jumlah air yang besar sanggup mengakibatkan lonsor alasannya ialah tidak ada cukup tumbuhan untuk menahan air dan daratan. Kita sudah melihat peristiwa longsor yang terjadi di banyak area di Indonesia. Jumlah area yang terkena sudah meningkat.

The second reason is that the uncontrolled trees felling seems to go on without any significant effort of the government to stop it. According to some news sources in Newspaper and news acara on TV, the activities of illegal cutting of the trees in some regions are actually known by the government officers. The police and local government let them cut the threes because they are given much money for themselves. They do not think their actions endanger the people around the forests. Therefore, it can be said that illegal logging is illegal but known by the officers.

Alasan kedua ialah tumbangnya pohon yang tak terkontrol nampaknya terus berlanjut tanpa ada usuha yang significant dari pemerintah untuk menghentikannya. Berdasarkan beberapa diberita di Koran dan acara diberita di TV, acara penebangan hutan di beberapa kawasan diketahui oleh pemerintah. Polisi dan pemerintah setempat membiarkan pembalak tersebut memetong pohon alasannya ialah mereka juga didiberikan uang oleh penebang. Mereka tidak sadar perbuatan mereka membahayakan orang sekitar hutan. Karena itu, pembalakan ini sanggup dikatakan illegal akan tetapi diketahui oleh pejabat.

The third is that the illegal logging of the forest trees can destroy the natural ecosystem. When the forest trees are continuously cut and the rein forestation is not done as the rule, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger. The system which is formed by the interaction between a community of organisms, including humans and animals, and their physical environment will be threatened. Human beings in several villages have been killed. Wide areas of farms are destroyed by the piles of mud and thousands of farm animals are killed and lost. Who are suffering ?

Dan yang ketiga ialah penebangan liar di hutan sanggup merusak ekosistem alam. Ketika pohon hutan ditebangi terus menerus dan penanaman kembali tidak dilakukan berdasarkan aturan, ekosistem alam akan berada dalam permasalahan besar. System yang terbentuk dengan relasi antara komunitas makhluk hidup, termasuk insan dan hewan dan lingkungan akan terancam. Manusia di beberapa desa sudah terbunuh. Area luas pertanian dirusak oeh setumpukan lumpur dan ribuan hewan ternak terbunuh dan mati. Siapa yang menderita ?

Based on the given reasons, uncontrolled illegal logging is a serious problem that needs to be solved immediately by both the government and citizens as the owners of the forest.

Berdasarkan alasan diatas, penebangan hutan yang tidak terkendali ialah problem yang perlu diselesaikan segera oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat sebagai pemilik hutan .
1. How many arguments are presented in the written exposition above ?
2. Whose lives are threatened by the illegal logging ?
3. In what season do landslides usually happen ? why ?
4. Have the local government done something to prevent illegal logging ?
5. Can you mention the losses or victims of landslides ?
6. Why illegal logging destroy the natural ecosystem ?
7. Why must the problem of illegal logging be solved soon ?
8. Do you know the best way to handle this problem ?
9. What do some people do illegal logging for ?
10. What is your personal opinion about illegal logging ?

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