Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Pembahasan Un Bahasa Inggris Smk 2012 Part 3



The PANCA Company
From : Mega RIanty
Date : Friday, April 17
To :Accounting Department staff
Re : Next Week

I will be out of the office for an accountants’ conference next week, April 20-24. IF you need help during that time, please contact my assistant, Wulandari.

Thank You

37. Mega Rianty wrote the memo because…..
a. She will attend a conference
b. She needs her assistant to visit the other office.
c. She has another office accountant
d. She contacts Wulandari to attend the conference.

38. From the memo, we understand that Mega Rianty is ….
a. Wulandari’s assistant
b. Conference committee
c. chief of accounting department
d. accounting department staff

39. “ …. Please contact my assistant,…”the word “ My” refers to ….
a. Accountant staff’s
b. an office accountant’s
c. Mega Rianty’s
d. Wulandari’s Staff’s

jawabanan dan pembahasan

37. Jawaban A

Pada surat memorandum tersebut kita sanggup melihat yang menulis yaitu Mega Rianty dengan tujuan untuk memdiberitahu kepada para Accounting Department staff untuk menghadiri konferensi akuntan pada tanggal yang sudah ditentukan.

38. Jawaban C

Posisi Mega Rianti yaitu ketua dari Accounting Department dan disini sanggup dilihat dari kirimannya ia ke staffnya

39. Jawaban C

My assistant, kata My dalam kalimat tersebut mengarah ke Mega RIyanty, alasannya yaitu penulis dari surat tersebut yaitu Mega RIanti.


DAY Date Port Arrive Depart
  25 April 2012 New York, New York, US   04:45
  26 April 2012 At Sea    
  27 April 2012 Saint Georgia 08:00  
  28 April 2012 Saint Georgia, Bermuda   07:00
  28 April 2012 Hamilton, Bermuda 09:00  
  29 April 2012 Hamilton, Bermuda   02:00
  30 April 2012 Hamilton, Bermuda    
  01 May 2012 At Sea 07:00  
  02 May 2012 New York, New York, US    


40. What is the Table about ?
a. The list of ports in America
b. The list of Cities in America
c. The Cruise ship schedule
d. The weekly schedule

41. When is the ship scheduled to arrive from Saint Georgia ?
a. At 4:45 A.M
b. At 07:00 A.M
c. At 08: 00 AM
d. At 09 : 00 AM

42. What can we conclude about the ship from the schedule ?
a. It sails everyday
b. On April 26 it does not sail
C. IT sails everyweek
d. Its arrival is in the afternoon

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

40. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Table diatas yaitu sebuah table wacana aktivitas perjalanan kapal mingguan, hal ini sanggup dilihat dari judul table tersebut “ Weekly Sunday to Sunday Cruise Ship sailings” sehingga pilihan yang paling sempurna yaitu C, untuk jawabanan D,

41. Jawaban C Lihat table tertera dengan Jelas

42. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Dalam table terang sekali jikalau setiap hari Kapal berlayar terus sehingga pilihan A benar, walaupun pada tanggal 26 April 2012 tidak ada pada kolom akan tetapi kapal masih berlayar ditengah laut. Ingat hati hati dikala menjawaban pertanyaan ini yaitu pengecoh.


Sri Mulyani’s Experience

1. Freelance, Self Employed ( apparel & Fashion Industry) February 2009 – present ( 3 year 2 month) Handling various kinds of design job which you could review from my website. Also writing for a blog at my spare time.

2. Design Team Leader & Product Development PT Eurogate Indonesia : Higson International Group ( Apparel & Fashion Industry) Ocrober 2000 – Desember 208 ( 8 years 4 months)

3. Art Director P.T Asiabumi Furukuwa ( Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry) May 1999 – September 2000 ( 1 Year 5 Months )

43. What does point 2 mention about Sri Mulyani ?
a. She is supervising Product Department
b. She is Managing Design Department.
c. She is directing Electronic Industry
d. She is Handling Design Job

44. What is her job at the moment ?
a. Experienced employee
b. Freelance worker
c. Team Leader
d. Art director

45.” …. Writing for a blog at my spare time” the underlined words are closest in meaning to ….
a. free time
b. busy time
c. part time
d. quality time

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

43. Jawaban D

Pembahasan bekerjsama ada sedikit kesalahan dalam jawabanan, akan tetapi jawabanan yang paling mendekati benar yaitu D, seharusnya tenses yang dipakai dalam jawabanan yaitu Simple past tense, alasannya yaitu pada Point 2 menceritakan pengalaman pekerjaan di masa lalu, akan tetapi disni tenses yang dipakai malah simple present continuous, akan tetapi pada poin 2 disebut jikalau ia yaitu design team leader sehingga otomatis ia yaitu menghandle pekerjaan design ( handling design job)

44. jawabanan B

Saat ini yaitu dari tahun 2009 hingga kini ia bekerja sebagai Freelance atau self employed pada perusaan sendiri

45.Jawaban A

PEmbahasan spare time = free time = waktu luang


Withdrpertama at an ATM

Step 1

Use an instant debit card, To do this, you need to have your debit card set up with your bank to use it at an ATM. Usually, using an ATM affiliated with your bank is best. However, most cash machines will work but they might incur fees from the ATM owner and/or your bank

Step 2

Insert your card and your PIN- If you don't have one, call your bank beforehand and request one. You will not be able to withdraw money without a PIN.

Step 3

Follow the on screen instructions. If you have more than one account (like both from checking aad saving) you need to specify which account you want the money to come from. Be sure to push the correct button. Then specify how much money you want to withdraw.

Step 4

Wait for the machine to process your transaction, then take your receipt money and card out of the machine.

46. What do you have to do after inserting your card? A. Follow the on screen instruction. B. Enter your Personal identity Number. C. Specify how much money you want. D. Push the correct buttons on the machine.

47. What will happen if you use another ATM?
A. You can't withdraw money.
B. The transaction will fail.
C. You may not get receipts.
D. You may have to pay fees.

48. "... they might incur fees from ..." (step l) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. get away
B. give up
C. taken into
D. be charged

Kata kata susah dari Bacaan

Withdrpertama = penarikan
Set up = terhubung/ membuat
Affiliated = terhubung
Incur = be charged
Specify = mengkhususkan
Receipt = surat

46. Jawaban B

Pembasahan.walaupun dalam bacaan tidak secara terang sebut langkah ini akan tetapi pada langkah step 2 dijelaskan jikalau Insert your card and your PIN. Maka kalian secara otomatis harus meletakkan Pin dan kartu secara bersamaan. Sehingga jawabanannya yaitu B,bukan A

47. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Yang dimaksud dengan another ATM yaitu ATM dari Bank lain,sehingga jawabanan yang paling masuk nalar yaitu D sesuai dengan step yang nomer 1, “ You May have to pay fees “ engkau mungkin harus membayar fee.

48, Jawaban D
Get away = the act of escaping, short vacation
Give up = mengalah
Taken into = ?
Be charged = dikenai biaya


The new speed boat will start operating between Pontianak and Ketapang on October 24th. The Trip takes eight hours on the older, slower speed boat, but on the express speed boat it will only take five hours. The express speed boat will have larger, more comfortable seats, and there will be free food for the passengers. There will be two express speed boats per day between Pontianak and Ketapang. There will also be four regular speed boats. Many people will prefer the regular speed boats because the tickets are cheaper.

49. the reason that passengers prefer to take regular boats is that ….
a. The seats is more comfortable
b. the tickets are less expensive
c. the food provided tastes better
d. they are more comfortable

50. Express boats’ passengers are provided with ….
a. promo tickets
b. regular boats
c. free food
d. cheaper tickets.

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Kata kata yang dianggap susah dari bacaan
Trip = perjalanan
Passengers = penumpang
Express = kilat
Prefer = lebih suka
Cheaper = lebih murah

49. jawabanan B

Pembahasan. Sebebarnya dalam bacaan sudah terang sekali, dalam paragraph dua kalimat terakhir dijelaskan “ Many People will prefer the regular speed boats because the tickets are cheaper.” Yang artinya yaitu Banyak orang lebih suka mengambil speed boats yang regular alasannya yaitu tiketnya lebih murah” yang artin ya sama dengan pilihan B “ the tickets are less expensive “

50. jawabanan C

Pembahasan. pada paragraph dua kalimat terakhir dijelaskan jikalau “ the express speed boat will have larger, more comfortable seats, and there will be free food for the passengers” yang artinya speed boat express akan memiliki dingklik yang lebih besar darn nyanam dan akan ada makanan gratis untuk penumpang “

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