Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Balasan Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Smk 2012 Part 1


16. Chelsea : my pay-check comes every Wednesday. I want to open a bank account, but my car is still in the service station until next Tuesday.

Kimmi : Don’t worry,…..

a. You can use my car
b. The bank will always waiting for you
c. I will find a registration card for you.
d. I will pick up your car tomorrow.

Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Chelsea memiliki persoalan ia tidak sanggup pergi ke bank sebab mobilnya sedang di service, dan Kimmi ingin memmenolongnya dengan meminjamkan mobilnya. “ don’t worry. You can use my car” yang artinya “ tidakboleh kuatir engkau sanggup memakai kendaraan beroda empat aku”

17. Guest : Excuse me, Could you show me where the welcome drinks are ?

Clerk : Sure, ……. You can use the escalator.,

a. Keep walking two block
b. Turn off the light and then put it down
c. It is on the second floor at the SInggasana Café.
d. Take a bus route number 16.

Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Dalam kalimat ini antara si Guest dan si Clerk berada dalam satu ruangan, hal ini sanggup dilihat dari You can Use the escalator yang berarti “ engkau sanggup memakai escalator” sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok ialah pilihan C yang berarti “ ini berada di lantai dua tepatnya di SIggasana Café, engkau sanggup kesana dengan escalator”

18. Shella : how was your holiday in Bandung ?

Cici : …….. Bandung is a fascinationg city.

a. It was great
b. You should go there.
c. I would enjoy my trip
d. What a great idea !

Jawaban A.

Pembahasan. Si Shella menanyakan ihwal libaran Cici, dan tenses yang dipakai ialah simple Past tense. Sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok ialah A sebab tenses dan paling sesuai dengan konteks.

19. Benny : we have not met for ages…..

Wardy : Well, I regret to say that I am unable to do it, next time may be.

a. I will introduce you to my wife.
b. Why don’t you contact me.
c. Could you invite me to your new house ?
d. Let’s drop in here for a cup of coffee.

Jawaban. D

Pembahasan. Benny tidak bertemu Wardy selama bertahun tahun,dan dikala bertemu Wardi tidak sanggup mendapatkan seruan oleh Benny. Kata kata yang paling cocok dikatakan oleh Benny ialah “ Let’s drop in here for a cup of coffee = mari kita mampir minum kopi doloe,

20. Vina : I want to see the latest news updated ….. ?

Riska : Sure, Go a head.

a. May I Switch the TV on
b. Is it okay if I sit down.
c. Could you give me a magazine
d. Do you mind if I turn on the light.

Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Pada obrolan diatas si Vina ingin mengerti ihwal diberita terbaru,dan Riska mengijinkannya sehingga kalimat yang paling cocok untuk mengisi ialah A ia sanggup melihat diberita lewat televisi, kalau Jawaban C kurang sempurna sebab Majalah belum tentu meliputi diberita terbaru.

22. Mother : I'll bake special cakes for the gathering, but there isn't enough sugar. ...

Yanti : Sure. How much will you need it, mom?

A. Would you mind baking it?
B. Can you put some more sugar?
C. Will you help me buy some?
D. Where did you put the scales?

Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Dalam kalimat diatas permasalahannya ialah Ibu ingin memasak camilan bagus special akan tetapi tidak ada cukup gula.sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok dengan bacaan diatas ialah C “ Will You help me buy some?” yang artinya maukah engkau membelinya. Sedangkan jawabanan B kurang sempurna sebab posisinya tidak ada gula sehingga ia mau tidak mau harus membelinya.

23. Laura : What do you plan to do this weekend?

Tony : ... Some college students will perform a great theatrical production in the auditorium.

A. I'll have an overtime job.
B. I'm going hiking with my colleagues.
C. I'll buy some new records for our school.
D. I'm going to see a performance.

Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Permasalahan dalam obrolan tersebut ialah Laura ingin menanyakan apa yang dilakukan oleh Tony di simpulan pekan nanti, dan Tony menjawabannya ia ingin meliaht mitra kawan kuliahnya tampi di teater. Sehingga jawabanan yang paling sesuai ialah D.

24. Hadi : The traffic was terrible. It made me come late.

Agus : I also got the same experience yesterday. I would've arrived late if ...

A. I hadn't got up late.
B. I hadn't left earlier.
C. I didn't take a bus.
D. I didn't drive a car.

Jawaban B

Pembahasan. Saya masukankan sebelum menjawaban soal ini untuk mempelajari Conditional sentences terlebih lampau, dalam pertanyaan memakai Conditional sentences jenis 3 sehingga sesudahnya juga harus bentuk jenis 3 dan dalam kedua pilihan tersebut yang paling pas dan benar ialah B, kalau dipadukan nanti jadi menyerupai ini “ I would have arrived late if had not left earlier ” yang artinya saya akan hadir terlambat jikalau saya tidak pergi lebih pertama,

25. Harvey : I heard that you got an accident yesterday.

Chalie : Yeah! I was crashed by another motorcycle. Luckily, I wasn't seriously injured.

Harvey : ....

A. I'm sorry.
B. You are the best.
C. I don't like to hear that.
D. I'm glad that you are okay.

Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Pada obrolan diatas Harvey menanyakan ihwal apaah Chalie mengalami kecelakaan, chalei menjawaban bahwa ia mengalami kecelakaan akan tetapi dirinya tidak mengalami apa apa sehingga niscaya si Harvey merasa senang. Sehingga jawabanan yang paling cocok ialah D

26.Stranger : I've spent almost half an hour to find the central post office. Can you show me where it is?

Martinus: Of course

Stranger : Thank you very much.

A. Go along this street. It is next to Aman Bank.
B. Come to the town and I will show you the post office.
C. Go across this street, the clinic is next to the post office.
D. Find the post office, and you will see the tall building next to it.

Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Si orang abnormal ingin menanyakan dimana Post office berada,sehingga jawabanannya harus mengatakan letak dimana post office, dan jawabanan paling cocok ialah A, jawabanannya terperinci dan pribadi mengarah ke daerah yang dituju.

28. Receptionist : Good morning “ sederhana Restaurant”,Can I help you ?

Caller : Yes,…..

Receptionist : Certainly,Sir

A. I'd like to book a ticket to Aceh.
B. I'd like to reserve a table for trvo.
C. Cal I reserve two seats for the evening concert?
D. May I book a single room for tomorrow?

Jawaban B

Pembahasan. Karena disini konteksnya ada pada restaurant maka yang paling cocok ialah B, yang lain tidak cocok dalam konteks tersebut.

29 . Pretty : I've arranged all the books properly, but now I find them in a mess.

Asmira : ….. .. . ….

A. Maybe someone forgot to tidy up after reading them
B. Certainly, I don't know who put them there
C. That's true all the books are all yours.
D. It's possible that someone has read them.

Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Jawaban paling cocok ialah A, sebab menyatakan kalau seseorang mungkin lupa merapikan setelah membacanya.

30. Bunda : Hi Citra ! there is something going on. Shall we go and see ?

Citra : Look There ! ……. ! Come, Let s go !

Bunda : She there ! a man saying something about the cats over the mike

A. They were playing with the tame animals
B. The people are taking their cats to the ground
C. The people took care of their own cats
D. They were bringing their pets into pet shops

Jawaban B

Pembahan pada obrolan tiruana memakai kalimat Simple Present Continues tense, dan diantara ke empat pilihan spesialuntuk B saja yang memakai simple present continuous sehingga jawabanannya terperinci B.

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