Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Pembahasan Un Bahasa Inggris Smk Tahun 2013 Part 2

Soal dan Pembahasan UN bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan tahun 2013 Part 1
Soal dan Pembahasan UN bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan tahun 2013 Part 2
Soal dan Pembahasan UN bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan tahun 2013 Part 3
Soal dan Pembahasan UN bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan tahun 2013 Part 4 Soal dan pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan tahun 2013 part 2


Sent : Monday, 1 April 9:20 – 11:32 A.M
To : Gavin Realtor
Subject : Your Pictures are ready

Dear Customer,

Thank you for using DIGICAM. Your digital Photos are ready. Please pick them up at Cherry Mall. The total cost is $28.92 . if you are unhappy with your pictures, please call us at 555 – 4756. Enjoy your photos.


The DIGICAM photo team.

21. What type of the correspondence?
a. A cover Letter
b. A resume
C. A Memo
D. A Fax

22. Where can customers get their Photos ?
b. At Cherry Mall.
c. In the team base.
d. In Gavin Realtor’s place,

23. if the customers do not like their photos, what can they do ?
a. Return their photos anywhere.
b. Call Cherry Mall
c. Contact DIGICAM
d. Ask for a refund directly


21. Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : pertanyaan nomer 21 menanyakan wacana jenis surat apa ? kalau kita melihat dari surat diatas ialah jenis surat Memo.

22.Jawaban B

Pembahasan Where can Customers get their Photos ? ( dimana pelanggan sanggup mendapatkan photo mereka ?) Kalau kita lihat dalam bacaan ada kalimat Please Pick them up at Cherry Mall. ( tolom kalian sanggup mengambilnya di Cherry Mall ) pick up = mengambil. Dan kata “them” ialah sebagai pengganti dari “Photos”

23. Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : if the customers do not like their photos, what can they do ? ( kalau pelanggan tidak suka dengan photo mereka, apa yang sanggup mereka lakukan ?) pada kalimat ini kalau pelanggan tidak suka, dalam surat tertulis “if you are unhappy with your pictures, please call us at 555 – 4756/ kalau engkau tidak bahagia dengan photomu,tolong panggil kami di 555 – 4756) nah disini kita sanggup memanggil DIGICAM,karena ada kata “us” sebagai pengganti dari mereka.


Exxon Mobil Corporation ( Exxon Mobil ) Profile

Exxon Mobil Corporation ( Exxon Mobil) is a manufacturer and marketer of commodity petrochemicals, including olefins, aromatics, polyethylene and polypropylene plastics and a range of specialty products. It also has interests in electric power generation facilities. The Company has a number of divisions affiliated with names that include Exxon Mobil, Exxon, Esso or Mobil. Divisions and affiliated companies of Exxon Mobil operate or market products in the United States and Other countries of the world. Their principal business is energy, involving exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, manufacture of petroleum products and transportation, and sale of crude oil, natural gas petroleum products. In October 2011,Cosan SA Industria e Comercio bought the distribution assets of Exxon Mobil in Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. In January 2012,Apache Corporation acquired Exxon Mobil’s Mobil North Sea Limited assets including the Beryl field and related properties.

24. What is Exxon Mobil Corporation principal business ?
a. Cars
b. Energy
c. Cellular phone
d. Foods and beverages.

25. When did Apache Corporation acquire Exxon’s Mobil North Sea Limited assets ?
a. In October 2012
b. In October 2011
c. In January 2012
d. In January 2011

26. in how many countries did Cosan SA Industria e Comercio buy the distribution assets of Exxon Mobil ?
a. Three
b. Four.
c. Five
d. Six

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Kata kata susah dalam kalimat
Manufacturer = Pemroduksi
Marketer = mesarakan ( orang )
Commodity = komoditas ( barang dagang)
Principal = utama

24. jawabanan = B

Pembahasan : What is Exxon Mobil Corporation principal business ?( apa bisnis utama dari Exxon Mobil ?) jawabanannya ialah Energy, sanggup dibuktikan dengan kalimat “Their principal business is energy….”

25. jawabanan = C

Pembahasan : Sebenarnya sudah jelas,tanpa perlu dibahas hal ini sanggup dibuktikan dengan “In January 2012,Apache Corporation acquired Exxon Mobil’s Mobil North Sea Limited assets including the Beryl field and related properties” pada kalimat terakhir bacaan.

26. jawabanan = A

Pembahasan :Jawabannya terang sekali sanggup dilihat dari kalimat “. In October 2011,Cosan SA Industria e Comercio bought the distribution assets of Exxon Mobil in Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay…..”


I began my first job in January of 2008 in Volkswagen China Investment Company as an intern. After a six – month internship, I officially joined Volkswagen as a full – time employee. In December of that year, I was promoted to be an administration officer, and I worked in the administration department for the next 2 years, until February 2010. My main responsibilities in the administration department were purchasing office facilities and stationery, selecting local vendors through public bidding, issuing invitation letters for German colleagues, booking airplgua tickets and hotels and selecting travel agents. The most valuable knowledge I learned from this job is how to work in a multinational company like Volkswagen. I learned how to organize my daily schedule, how to work in a multinational company like Volkswagen. I learned how to organize my daily schedule, how to arrange administrative services for my colleagues efficiently and effectively, how to communicate and cooperate with people who come from different cultural background, and how to optimize and allocate resources on hand.

27. When did the writer get his first full-time job ?
a. In December 2002
b. After a six – month internship.
c. Six Months after he was promoted.
d. After he had served Volkswagen for two years.

28. “ I officially joined Volkswagen …” (in line 2) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
a. Finally
b. Formally
c. Formerly
d. Primarily

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Kata kata susah dalam bacaan
Internship = magang.
Employee = karyawan
Cooperate = kolaborasi
Optimize = meterbaikkan

27. jawabanan = B

Pembahasan = When did the writer get his first full-time job( kapan penulis mendapatkan pekerjaan penuh pertama) jawabanannya sangat terang yaitu After a six – month internship, I officially joined Volkswagen as a full – time employee.

28. jawabanan B

Officially = formally
Finally = balasannya
Formally = secara formal
Formerly = pertamanya
Primarily = secara utama /pokok


As you know, this is the first time the City Drama Awards will be hosted at this theater. Although you are our most experienced staff members, I arranged today’s pelatihan because the seating procedures will be different from what we usually do here. Most guests will have tickets, but you will be seating the nominees at the tables in the front. I am passing out a chart that shows how the tables will be arranged and where the nominees will sit. Please familiarize yourself with it before the ceremony.

29. What is the text about ?
a. The procedure of managing a training.
b. A pelatihan for nominees.
c. Members of a training.
d. A preparation for an event.

30. Why are listeners receiving special pelatihan ?
a. Some procedures have been changed.
b. They will be arranging furniture.
c. they will be conducting a drama.
d. Some performers have been rescheduled.

31. What is the closest meaning of the word “ familiarize” ?
a. Simplify.
b. Summarize
c. Customize
d. Criticize.

Jawaban dan pembahasan

29. Jawaban : D

Pembahasan , surat tersebut dikirim oleh ketua penyelenggara untuk menyiapkan sebuah event penghargaan City Drama Awards, ketua menyampaikan kalau akan sedikit ada perbedaan dari program sebelumnya, sehingga sanggup disimpulkan kalau isi teks tersebut ialah sebuah persiapan untuk event : “ City Drama Awards”

30. Jawaban : A

Pembahasan : pertanyaan tersebut “ Why are listeners receiving special pelatihan ?” artinya ialah kenapa pendengar mendapatkan training/ petes khusus. . jawabanannya ialah A “ some procedures have been changed”. Yang artinya “ beberapa Procedures sudah diubah” hal ini sanggup dilihat dalam kalimat. “I arranged today’s pelatihan because the seating procedures will be different from what we usually do here” yang artinya “ saya menyiapkan petes hari ini alasannya ialah procedure daerah duduk akan tidak sama dari apa yang kita biasanya lakukan disini”

31. Jawaban C

Familiarize( Verb) = make somebody well informed about something in order to understand it.
Simplify ( verb) = make something easier to do
Summarize (verb) = give summary or something.
Customize (verb) = to make or change something according to the buyer's or user's needs
Criticize ( verb) = judge the good or bad thing

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