Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Narrative Teks The Hunted Beaver Terjemahann Dan Akhlak Valuenya

Moral value fond in the Narrative Text " the Hunted Beaver" is Do not lose your mind in trouble. pesan watak dalam dongeng narrative " the hunted beaver" yakni tidakboleh gelagapan dan tetap berpikir tenang. diberikut ini yakni dongeng narrative teks berjudul " the Hunted Beaver" beserta terjemahannya

The Hunted Beaver

Once, there was a forest named Freeville. It had many trees and a river. There lived many animals, birds and fish in Freeville. Among them were also the Beavers.

Suatu saat ada sebuah hutan yang berjulukan Freeville. Hutan tersebut memiliki banyak tumbuhn dn sebuh sungai. ada banyak binatang, burung dan ikan di Freeville. Diantara mereka ada juga banyak tikus.

It so happened that all the animals of Freeville started to fall ill suddenly. The Fox was the doctor of Freeville.

Tiba datang terjadi bahwa tiruana hewan di Freeville mulai sakit. Si Rubah yang ialah doctor di Freeville.

Thus, all the animals went to her and said, “Oh doctor! Many of us are falling ill. We do not know which disease we have. Please help us!”

Karena itu, tiruana binatag pergike tempatnya dan mengatakan, “ oh Doctor! Banyak diantara kami yang jatuh sakit. Kami tidak tahu apa penyakit yang kami derita. Tolong menolong kami”

The Fox checked her patients. Then, after much thought, she said, “Friends! I do not know the disease that is causing your illness. However, I can tell you of a cure. You should all sleep with a Beaver’s tail under your pillow. Then, you shall get well.” Thus, all animals panicked and began to hunt the Beavers. Many Beavers were killed in this manner.

Si Rubah tersebut mengusut para pasiennya. Kemudian, seteah berpikir keras ia mengatakan, “ saudara saudaraku saya tidak tahu apa penyebab sakit kalian. Akan tetapi saya sanggup mengetahui penyembuhnya. Kalian seharusnya tiruana pulas dengn ujung tikus dibawah bantal kalian. Kemudian kalian akan sembuh. “ sehingga tiruana hewan merasa panic dan memburu si Tikurs. Semua tikus dibunuhnya jawaban hal itu.

One such day, a Dog was chasing a Beaver to obtain his tail. The Beaver was a smart one. He knew that it was only his tail that the Dog wanted. Thus, he cut off his tail himself and threw it to the Dog. Then, he ran away with his life.

Suatu hari, seujung anjing memburu seujung tikus untuk didapatkan ujungnya. Si tikus tersebuta yakni tikus yang pandai. Da tahu bahwa anjing tersebut spesialuntuk menginginkan ujungnya. Sehingga ia memotong ujungnya dan melemparkannya ke anjing. Kemudian ia melarikan diri hidup hidup.

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