Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Narrative Teks The Fox And The Wolf Tabiat Value Dan Terjemahannya.

Moral Value fond in the Narrative text " the Fox and the Wolf " is Betrayal ends in punishment. Pesan moral pada Narrative text berjudul " the Fox and the WOlf " ialah penghianatan akan berbuah hukuman. diberikut kisah narrative teks " the Fox and the WOlf" beserta terjemahannya.

The Fox and the Wolf

A Wolf lived in a cave. He had stocked up lots of food and did not need too hunting. He then stayed in the cave and enjoyed the food.

Seujung serigala tinggal di sebuah gua. Dia menyimpan banyak makandan dan tidak berburu lagi. beliau kemudian tinggal di gua dan menikmati makanannya.

When the Wolf did not go out for many days, his friend, the Fox, looked everywhere for him. At long last the Fox found out where the Wolf was. Pretending to ask how the Wolf was feeling, the Fox came to the mouth of the cave and peeped in.

Ketika si Serigala tidak keluar selama beberapa hari, kawannya si Rubah mencarinya di mana mana ? akibatnya si Rubah mengerti dimana si Serigala berada. Pura pura untuk menanyakan keadaan si Serigala, si RUbah pergi menuju ke ekspresi gua dan menengok ke dalam.

The Fox thought, he would be invited to share the goodies. But, the Wolf replied in a gruff voice, “I am too sick to see you, my dear friend.”

Si Rubah berpikir, beliau akan diundang untuk menyebarkan makanan. Akan tetapi si Serigala menjawaban dengan nada fokus , “ saya terlalu sakit untuk menemuimu mitra baikku”

The Fox trotted off, very angry and upset with the Wolf. He went straight to the Shepherd and said, “Get yourself a good stick and come with me, I shall show you where the Wolf lives.”

Si Serigala segera berlari, dengan sangat murka dan kecewa pada si Serigala. Dia pergi menuju ke pengembala dan menyampaikan “ ambilah tongkat dan pergi bersamaku, saya akan menunjukkanmu dimana Serigla berada.

The Shepherd found the Wolf and killed him with the stick. The Fox then took all the Wolf’s belongings. He did not enjoy the fruits of his betrayal for long! After a few days, the Man was passing by the cave. He saw the Fox there and killed him, too!

Si Pengembala menemukan si Serigala dan membunuhnya dengan tongkat. Si Rubah kemudian mengambil tiruana masakan Serigala. Dia tidak menikmati buah hasil penghianatannya lama! Sesudah beberapa hari, si Manusia pengembala tersebut melewati gua dan beliau melihat si RUbah disana dan membunuhnya juga.

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