Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause memodifikasi sebuah kata benda (noun) letak dari Adjective Clause biasanya bersebelahan dengan kata benda yang dimodifikasinya. Untuk lebih memahami ihwal Adjective clause perhatikan kalimat diberikut

I thanked the woman. She helped me.

Seandainya dua kalimat di atas kita gabung yang dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya, “ saya berterima kasih pada wanita yang memmenolong aku” alhasil menyerupai pada gambar dibawah ini.

I thanked the woman who helped me.

pada kalimat diatas yang menjadi adjective clause yakni who helped me dan yang befungsi sebagai subject dari adjective clause tersebuta dalah “who”. Perhatikan lagi kalimat dibawah ini.

The book is mine. It is on the table.

Seandainya kalimat tersebut kita gabung yang mempunyai arti “ buku yang berada di meja yakni kepunyaan aku” maka penggabungan dua kalimat tersebut yakni sebagai diberikut.

The book which is on the table is mine.

Dalam kalimat adjective Clause biasanya sebuah subject dari adjective clause itu ada beberapa akan tetapi kali pada beberapa kalimat diatas subject yang dipakai yakni “which” dan “who”, Which dipakai sebagai pengganti benda sedangkan Who sebagai pengganti orang. Biasanya juga sanggup diganti dengan “that” yang sanggup dipakai untuk benda dan orang. Perhatikan kalimat kalimat dibawah ini.

I thanked the woman that helped me.

The book that is on the table is mine.

I met the doctor who helped my father after the accident.

Where is the magazine which has the story about online theft.

Where is the magazine that has the story about online theft.

Did I tell you about the car salesman who tried to sell me a defective truck ?

Did I tell you about the car salesman that tried to sell me a defective truck ?

The house which is across the street from us is going to be rented soon.

The house that is across the street from us is going to be rented soon.

Soal Latihan Adjective Clause

Gabungkan dua kalimat dibawah ini, gunakan kalimat ke dua sebagai Adjective Clause.

1. I saw the man. He closed the door.

2. The girl is happy. She won the race.

3. The student is from China. He sits next to me.

4. The students are from China. They sit in the front row.

5. We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.

6. I am using a sentence. It contains an adjective clause.

jawabanan dan Pemabahasan soal diatas.

1. I saw the man who closed the door.

2. The girl who won the race is happy.

3. The students who sit next to me is from China.

4. The students who sit in front row are from China.

5. We are studying sentences which contain adjective clauses.

6. I am using a sentence which contains an adjective clause.

Fungsi “Whom”dalam adjective clause.

Fungsi “whom” dalam adjective clause yakni sebagai Object dari kata kerja, perhatikan kalimat dibawah ini.

The man was Mr. Jones

I saw him.

Pada kalimat kedua diatas “him” yakni sebagai object dari kata kerja “Saw” sehingga jikalau kedua kalimat tersebut digabungkan akan menjadi.

The man whom I saw was Mr. Jones

Berarti jikalau kalian perhatikan “whom” diikuti oleh Subject, dalam kalimat diatas Whom diikuti oleh “I” sedangkan Who biasanya diikuti oleh Verb atau To Be. Perhatikan pola – pola kalimat diberikut.

1. Tell me about the people whom you visited when you were in Oxford.

2. The people whom I call most often on my cell phone are my mother and my sister.

3. The children whom the Smiths adopted are from three different countries.

4. I liked the woman whom I met at the party last night.

5. The people whom we visited yesterday were very nice.

6. The man whom Ann brought to the party is standing over there.

Penggunaan “ Whose” dalam Adjective Clause

Whose digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kepemilikan. Whose mempunyai arti yang sama dengan possessive pronouns yang sama dengan His, Her, Its dan their. Dan Whose dipakai sebagai penghubung kata benda, akan tetapi penerapan Whose di Adjective Clause terletak dipertama. Perhatikan pola kalimat diberikut.

I know the man

His bicycle was stolen

I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.

The student writes well. I read her composition. = The student whose composition I read writes well.

I worked at a company whose employees wanted to form a union.

That is the boy whose parents you met.

Latihan Adjective Clause

1. I know a doctor ……….. last name is Doctor.

2. I Know a doctor …….. lives on a sailboat.

3. The woman ……… wallet was stolen called the police.

4. The woman ………. Found my wallet called me immediately.

5. The professor …….teaches art history is excellent.

6. The professor ……course I am taking is excellent.

7. I apologized to the man ………. Coffee I spilled.

8. I made friends with a man ……is in my class.

Jawaban dan Pembahasan soal

1. I know a doctor whose last name is Doctor.

Kita memakai whose alasannya yakni setelah adjective clause diikuti oleh kata benda yang “last Name”

2. I know a doctor who lives on a sailboat

Kita memakai ‘Who’ alasannya yakni sesudahnya diikuti oleh kata kerja “ Lives”

3. The woman whose wallet was stolen called the police.

Kita memakai “whose” alasannya yakni sesudahnya diikuti oleh kata benda “ wallet”

4. The woman who found my wallet called me immediately.

Kita memakai who alasannya yakni sesudahnya diikuti oleh kata kerja “Found”

5. The professor who teaches art history is excellent.

Kita memakai “who” alasannya yakni sesudahnya diikuti oleh kata kerja “ teaches”

6. The professor whose course I am taking is excellent.

Kita memakai “whose” alasannya yakni sesudahnya diikuti oleh kata benda “course”

7. I apologized to the man whose coffee I spilled.

Kita memakai kata “whose” alasannya yakni sesudahnya diikuti oleh kata benda “ coffee”

8. I made friends with a man who is in my class.

Kita memakai “who” alasannya yakni sesudahnya diikuti oleh tobe / verb “ Is”

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