Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences adalah sebuah kalimat pengandaian, sehingga jikalau kita bicara wacana pengandaian maka kadang pengandaian tersebut dapat mustahil terjadi,pasti terjadi dan dapat terjadi juga dapat tidak terjadi. Untuk mempelajari Conditional Sentences ada baiknya kalian mempelajari beberapa tenses dasar doloe menyerupai Simple present tense, Simple Past tense, Simple present prefect, past perfect, Simple future dan past future. Conditional Sentences terdiri dari beberapa jenis dan masing masing jenis tersebut memiliki pola/pattern yang tidak sama beda. Berikut ini ialah jenis dan pola dalam Conditional Sentences.

1. Zero Conditional Sentences / Conditional Sentences type 0

Jenis ini dipakai untuk menandakan wacana kebenaran umum, segala sesuatu yang niscaya terjadi dengan keadaan tertentu. Conditional Sentences ini dipakai untuk membicarakan wacana segala seuatu yang selalu benar menyerupai fakta ilmiah,dan lainnya.

Rumus / Pola Conditional Sentences jenis 0

=If + Present Simple ,Present Simple

= if + Subject + V/Ves + adv.., Subject + Ves/V

misal kalimat Conditional Sentences

.= IF you heat the water to 100 degrees, it boils.

Ingat dalam Conditional sentences, dipakai kalimat simple present sehingga kalimat tersebut dapat active dapat juga passive, dan dapat berbentuk kalimat positive atau kalimat negative. diberikut ini teladan lainnya

IF You Heat the water to 100 degrees, it boils

If she heats the water to 100 degrees, it boils

If she does not heat the water to 100 degrees, it does not boils

If the water is heat to 100 degrees, it boils.

2. Conditional Sentences Type 1

Jenis ini dipakai untuk menceritakan kemungkinan yang terjadi di masa depan, kemungkinan ini dapat dikatakan mungkin terjadi dan kemungkinan besar dapat terjadi,tidak sama dengan Conditional Sentences jenis 0 yang selalu terjadi, Conditional Sentences type 1 ini ada kemungkinan walaupun sangat tipis untuk dapat tidak terjadi.

Rumus / Pola / Strukcture Conditional Sentences jenis 1

=IF Simple Present , Simple Future

=IF + Subject + Ves/V + adj/adverb/Noun , Subejct + will/can/may + V1

( Ingat sama kalimat Simple present dan simple future diatas dapat berupa kalimat positive atau negative) misal :

1. If I am a rich man, I will buy a big house

2. If I am not a rich man, I will not buy a big house

3. If she graduates her study, she will be very happy.

4. If she does not graduate her study, she will not be very happy.

5. If you study hard, you will pass the test

6. If you do not study hard, you will not pass the test.

3. Conditional Sentences Type 2

Conditional Sentences jenis ini dipakai untuk menceritakan wacana impian kini yang sudah tidak mugkin, atau impian kini ini yang tidak tercapai.

IF + Simple Past, Past future

= if + Subject + V2 , Subject + Would + V1

= IF + Subject + did +not + V1, Subject + Would + V1

Dalam Conditional Sentences jenis ini juga bentuk kalimat dapat Positive dapat juga negative,akan tetapi harus berdasarkan pola tenses yang benar

misal :

1. If I Had a house by the beach, I would Invite all my friends

2. If I studied hard before the examination, I would graduate with a good score.

3. If I had a breakfast, I would not be hungry.

4. If Tina did the homework, Her teacher would not be angry.

4. Conditional Sentences type 3

Conditional Sentences jenis ini dipakai untuk menceritakan sebuah insiden yang tidak terjadi pada masa lampau, tidak sama dengan jenis/type 2 yang menceritakan insiden yang tidak terjadi pada ketika ini, jenis 3 menceritakan insiden lampau yang tidak terjadi.

IF + Past Perfect , Subject + Would / Could / might/ should + Have + V3 + ….

misal :

1. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam

2. if they had informed us yesterday, we would have arrived earlier.

3. If Doni had studied hard, He would have graduated from SMA.

4. If she had got a taxi, She would have come earlier.

Ingat dalam Conditional Sentences tiruana jenis / type kadang kadang posisi “IF” dapat berubah ubah kadang ada di pertama kalimat kadang ada di final kalimat dan kalimat tersebut tidak merubah arti akan tetapi jikalau “IF “ berada di tengah tengah kalimat kita tidak perlu menambahkan “Koma” untuk menghubungkannya. Perhatikan teladan diberikut.

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam

I would have passed the exam if I Had studied harder

If I had a house by the beach, I would invite all my friends.

I would invite all my friends if I had a house by the beach.

Soal Latihan Conditional Sentences.

1. I ( go) if I had known.

2. If my car (not break) down, I should have caught the train

3. If she were older, She (have) more sense.

4. If you (read) that book carefully, You would understand it.

5. IF the children ( be) good,They can Stay up late.

6. I ( buy) that hat if it were not so clear.

7. You (kill ) yourself if you always work as hard as that.

8. If they had waited, They (find) me.

9. We ( enjoy ) the play better if it had not been so long.

10. I should have come yesterday if I (Have) nothing to do.

Jawaban dan pembahasan soal Conditional Sentences.

1. I would have gone if I had known

Pada soal itu ialah Conditional Sentences jenis 3 alasannya ada kata Had + V3 yang ialah bentuk dari kalimat past perfect,

2. If my car had not broken down, I Should have caught the train

Pada soal diatas kita memakai kalimat Conditional Sentences jenis 3 alasannya ada kata Should + Have + Caught ( V3)

3. If she were older, she would have more sense.

Pada kalimat diatas kita memakai Conditional sentences jenis 2 alasannya ada kalta If she were, ciri jenis dua adala IF + Simple Past.

4. If you read that book carefully, you would understand it.

Pada kalimat soal ialah Conditional Sentences type 2 alasannya ada kata Would + Understand ( Would + V1 )

5. IF the Children are good, they can stay up late.

Pada soal ialah jenis conditional sentences jenis 1 alasannya ada “ Can + V1” maka kita untuk melengkapi Conditional ini harus memakai simple present tense.

6. I would buy that hat if it were not so clear.

Pada kalimat diatas ialah Conditional Sentences jenis dua alasannya ada kalimat simple past ( It were not …)

7. You will kill yourself if you always work as hard as that.

Pada soal ialah Conditional Sentences jenis pertama alasannya ada kata kalimat berjenis Simpler present tense “ You always work as hard as that”

8. IF they had waited,they would have found me.

Pada soal diatas memakai Conditional sentences type 3 alasannya memakai kata past perfect “ Had waited”

9. We should have enjoyed the play better if it had not been so long.

Pada soal diatas dipakai Conditional jenis / type 3 alasannya ada kata past perfect ( it had not been)

10. I should have come yesterday if I had had nothing to do

Pada soal berjenis Conditional Sentences type 3 alasannya ada “should + have + V3”

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