Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Soal Narrative Teks Telaga Warna Besarta Terjemahannya

Telaga Warna

Long long ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king named His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn't got any children. The queen often cried. That was why Prabu went to the jungle. There he prayed to God every day, begging for a child.

A few months later, the queen got pregnant. Nine months later, a princess was born. Prabu and Queen loved their beautiful daughter so much. They gave whatever she wanted. It made Princess turn into a very spoiled girl.

One day, the princess celebrated her 17 th birthday party. Many people gathered in the palace. Then, Prabu took out a necklace which was made from gold and jewel. "My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. Please, wear this necklace," said Prabu. "I don't want to wear it! It's ugly!" shouted the princess. Then she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor. Everybody couldn't say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do that cruel thing. In their silence, people heard thequeen crying. Every woman felt sad and began crying, too. Then, everybody was crying.

Suddenly, from the underground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water. Soon, the place became a big lake. The lake finally sank the kingdom. Nowadays, people called the lake " Telaga Warna". It means "Lake of Color". On a bright day, the lake is full of color. These colors come from shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colors are from the princess's necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake.

1. What is the type of the text above?
a. Recount
b. Narrative
c. Report
d. News item

2. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To amuse the readers with the story of telaga warna
b. To describe telaga warna
c. To inform about telaga warna
d. To give information about telaga warna

3. Which statement is TRUE according to the story?
a. Prabu had a kingdom in Centre Java
b. Prabu was an evil king
c. Princess was a spiled girl
d. Princess was a kind person

4. What we can learn from the story?|
a. Being honest is not always wise
b. It is good to be honest in life
c. We must respect our parents
d. Being a misser is sometimes important

5. What is the meaning of word “begging” in the second paragraph?
a. Asking
b. Praying
c. Requesting
d. Answering

Terjemahan dari Narrative Text “ Telaga Warna”

Pada jaman lampau, ada sebuah kerajaan di jawa barat. Kerajaan tersebut dipimpin oleh Raja Prabu. Raja tersebut sangat ramah dan bijaksana. Akan tetapi nasibnya sedikit malang, Raja dan Ratu tidak memiliki anak. Ratu sering sekali menangis. Itulah kenapa Raja Prabu pergi ke hutan. Disana ia berdoa kepada Tuhan setiap hari, meminta seorang anak.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, Ratu hamil. Sembilan bulan kemudian, seorang puteri lahir. Prabu dan sang ratu sangat menyayangi gadis kecil yang anggun tersebut. Mereka memdiberinya apapun yang diinginkannya. Hal ini membuat si puteri tersebut menjadi gadis yang pembangkang

Suatu hari, si Puteri merayakan hari ulang tahunnya yang ke 17. Banyak orang berkumpul di istana. Kemudian, Raja Prabu mengambil Gelang yang terbuat dari emas dan permata. “ gadisku tercinta, hari ini saya mempersembahkan engkau gelang ini. Tolong, pakai gelang ini,” kata Prabu. “ saya tidak ingin memakainya, benda ini jelek.!” Teriak sang puter. Kemudian ia melemparkan gelang tersebut. Gelang anggun tersebut pecah. Emas dan permata tersebar di lantai. Semua orang tidak sanggup menyampaikan apa apa. Mereka tidak pernah mengira bahwa puteri keakungannya akan melaksanakan hal seburuk itu. Dalam keheningan, orang orang mendengar sang ratu menagis. Semua orang merasa murung dan memulai menangis, juga. Kemudian tiruana orang menangis.

Tiba tiba, dari dalam tanah, sebuah sumber mata air keluar. Dan membentuk sebuah genangan air. Kemudian, istana tersebut menjadi sebuah danau besar. Danau besar tersebut menenggelamkan kerjaan. Sekarang orang orang menyebut danau tersebut dengan “ Telaga Warna”. It means “ Lake of Color”. Pada hari yang cerah, danau tersebut penuh dengan warna. Warna warna ini berasaldari bayangan hutan, tananam, bunga dan langit di sekitar danau. Akan tetapi orang orang menyampaikan jikalau warna tersebut berasal dari gelang sang puteri, yang tersebar di dasar danau.

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