Senin, 03 September 2018

Narrative Teks The Lion And The Frog Adab Value Arti Dan Terjemahanya.

Moral value fond in the Narrative text “ The Lion and the Frog “ is It is silly to fear anything without complete knowledge of I, and do not be proud of your strengths, Moral value dalam Narrative teks “ the Lion and the Frog yaitu kita dilarang takut pada bunyi yang tidak terang dan kita dilarang sombong. Berikut yaitu narrative teks berjudul “ the lion and the Frog” beserta terjemahannya.

The Lion and the Frog

The Lion was the King of the forest. He had a powerful voice and he roared to please himself and scare others.

Si singa yaitu raja hutan. Dia mempunyai bunyi yang dasyat dan beliau mengaum untuk bersenang bahagia dan menakuti yang lain.

All the animals were scared of him. He also knew every corner of the forest and every animal and every sound in it.

Semua hewan takut padanya. Dia juga mengetahui setiap sudut hutan dan tiruana bunyi hewan dihutan tersebut.

Now, there was a pond in the middle of the forest. The Lion would drink water and sleep there for sometime, every day.

Ada sebuah waduk kecil di tengah tengah hutan. Si singa akan meminum air dan pulas di sana selama beberapa saat.

One day, the Lion finished drinking water and lay down by the pond. As his eyes were closing, he heard a new sound. It was a hollow, croaky sound. He opened his eyes, but he didn’t see anyone! Then, he heard it a second, and a third time.

Suatu hari, si SInga menuntaskan meminum ar dan berbaring di danau. Ketika mtanya tertutup beliau mendengar bunyi guah. Suara tersebut bergaung dan menggauk serak. Si Singa tersebut membuka matanya dan beliau tidak melihat apapun! Kemudian beliau mendengar bunyi itu untuk ke dua kali dan ketiga kalinya

By now, the Lion was scared and thought in fear, `What if it were a ghost?’

Sekarang, si SInga tersebut ketakutan dan berpikir “ apa itu mungkin yaitu hangu?”

After some time, a Frog crawled out of the pond and croaked.

Sesudah beberapa saat, si Katak keluar dari danau dan tersebut dan bersuara.

The Lion saw that he had been scared out of his wits by so small a creature!

Si SInga menyadari bahwa beliau takut oleh sebuah hewan yang kecil

He grew angry with the Frog and tore it to pieces with his claws. The poor Frog never croaked again!

Si singa menjadi murka pada si Katak dan merobek robek dengan cakarnya. Si Katak malang tersebut tidak pernah bersuara lagi.

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