Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Pembahasan Un Bahasa Inggris Smk 2015 Part 2

Soal dan pembahasan UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Bahasa Inggris 2015 part 1
Soal dan pembahasan UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Bahasa Inggris 2015 part 2
Soal dan pembahasan UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Bahasa Inggris 2015 part 3
Soal dan pembahasan UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Bahasa Inggris 2015 part 4

From :
Subject : 15 – 18 May, 2014
Date : 7 April, 2014
Re : Your booking 15 – 18 May, 2014

Thank you for your email of 6 April,2014. We are delighted to confirm the booking for your party of five guests, we have reserved three double rooms with a suite bath for 15 – 18 May, 2014 I can confirm the room rates will be 1 million rupiahs per night. This is inclusive of the 10 percent group discount. We look forward to welcoming you on 15 May, 2014
Best Regards,
Susan Schneider
Reservation Manager
Berlian Hotel

21. when did Ms. Nani Reserve the rooms ?
a. On May 15
b. On May 18
c. On April 6
d. On April 7

22. Why did Susan write the email ?
a. To reschedule the appointment.
b. to offer a ten percent discount.
c. to reserve three double rooms.
d. to accept someone’s reservations.

23. “ This is inclusive of the 10 percent group discount … “ The synonym of the underlined word is ….
a. Overall
b. Limited
c. Exclusive
d. Restrictive

Kata kata susah dalam Bacaan
Delighted = bahagia
Confirm = mengkorfimasi
Reserved = memesan
Suite = seperangkat ruangan
Inclusive = termasuk
Look forward to = menantikan

21. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. “ when did ms. Nani reserve the rooms? Artinya kapan Ms nani memesan kamar ? dalam teks disebutkan “ thank you for your email of 6 April, 2014.” Yang secara tidak eksklusif sebut jika Ms Nani memasan pada tanggal ini.sedabgkan tanggal 7 april yaitu tanggal email tersebut dikirim ke bu Nani oleh Bu Susan

22. Jawanan D

Pembahasan.Susan yaitu seoarang manager pemesanan hotel bab bawah dari surat disebutkan, sehingga beliau mengirim email tersebut untuk mengkorfimasi jika pesanan dari bu Nani sudah diterima jadi jawabanan yang paling sempurna yaitu “ to accept someone’s reservations”

23. Jawaban A
Inclusive : covering everything or all important points ( memasukkan segala hal)
Limited : not high or great in number, amount, etc.(
Exclusive : only allowing in people from a high social class
Restrictive : limiting or controlling someone or something
Overall : with everyone or everything included ( segala sesuatu termasuk)

Power @Once is a company specializing in solar power and heating equipment, we also sell hand held items like solar flashlights, chargers, mining equipment,etc. Our vision is simple: to be the leading seller of solar systems in North West and change people’s perspective of renewable energy so that we can save our plguat for future generation. We at Power @Once strive to be the best in our field when it comes to cost efficient solar systems and client satisfaction.

24. What is the text about ?
a. Different solar power items.
b. a western mining company.
c. How to change people’s perspective of energy.
d. An enterprise specializing in solar power devices.

25. Based on the text, what items does the “ Power @Once” provide ?
a. Chargers.
b. Traffic lights.
c. Drying equipment
d. Plumbing equipment.

26. “ ….. when it comes to cost efficient solar systems and client satisfaction.” What is the synonym of the underlined word ?
a. Seller
b. director
c. Manager
d. Customer.

Kata – kata yang dianggap susah
Specializing = spesialisasi
Solar = cahaya matahari
Mining = pertambangan
Equipment = peralatan
Chargers = alat isi ulang
Perspective = sudut pandang orang
Renewable = sanggup diperbaharui
Satisfaction =kepuasan

24. Jawaban D

Pembahasan.inti dari bacaan terebut yaitu kalimat pertama pada paragraph pertama “Power @Once is a company specializing in solar power and heating equipment” yang kurang lebih maknanya sama dengan pilihan D,” An enterprise specializing in solar power devices”

25. Jawaban A

Pembahasan pada kalimat paragraph pertam terakhir dijelaskan ihwal apa yang disediakan oleh Power@Once,

26. . Jawaban D

Pembahasan Synonim dari Client yaitu Customer

IT trainers deliver pelatihan programmes in information and Communication Technology ( ICT). in addition to their pelatihan skills, they are experts in one of the two areas below :

• IT professional skills – covering technical pelatihan such as in project management ; applications, for example SAP; and the various IT specializations, including firewalls and anti – virus packages.

• IT user skills – desktop applications such as MS Office, Internet browsers and company – specific applications.

IT trainers are also responsible for the application of learning technologies to transfer skills, in both IT and non – IT subjects. These include:
• Virtual labs;
• Enterprise content management
• Performance management tools;
• Social networking;
• E – Assesment.

27. What is the text mainly about ?
a. IT trainers
b. programmers
c. Social networking
d. Anti – virus packages

28. Which of the following is covered in IT professional skills ?
a. Project management
b. Anti – Virus vendors.
c. Dekstop applications
d. Internet browsers.

29. “ enterprise content management;” The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
a. Practice
b. Surgery
c. Business
d. Journalism

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Kata kata yang dianggap susah dari bacaan
Trainers = instruktur
Experts = hebat
Below = dibawah ini
Covering = termasuk
Responsible = bertanggung jawaban.
Include =termasuk
Assessment = evaluasi

27. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Secara garis besar bacaan tersebut sebut ihwal IT trainers

28. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Sudah terang disebutkan dalam kalimat “IT professional skills – covering technical pelatihan such as in project management ; applications, for example SAP,” sedangkan anti virus vendors artinya yaitu penjual anti virus

29. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Enterprise = business, sudah jelas, yang lain artinya beda jauh

Instructions :

1. Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their tended fax number and your phone number. Place the cover letter on top of your documents and insert it into the fax machine.

2. Enter the fax number

3. Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the numbers into the machine.

4. Wait for your documents to pass through the machine and collect them when finished.

5. Look for a confirmation page to print.

30. What does the text tell us about ?
a. How to use a fax machine.
b. How to create a cover letter.
c. How to use a printer machine
d. how to use a photocopy machine

31. What is the next step after inserting the document into the fax machine ?
a. Place the cover letter on the top.
b. Wait for the documents
c. Enter the fax number
d. Hit the send key.

32. “ wait for your documents to pass through the machine and collect them when finished.” Which of the following is the synonym of the underlined word ?
a. Design
b. Industry
c. Engine
d. Tool

Kata kata yang dianggap susah
Cover Letter = kover surat
Properly ( adverb) = dengan benar
Pass through = melewati
Collect = mengumpulkan

30. jawabanan A

Pembahasan. Pada soal terang sekali disebutkan jika langkah langkah tersebut yaitu cara untuk memakai fax machine, sanggup dililhat pada kata terakhir pada langkah pertama.

31. Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Langkah ini yaitu langkah ke 2, melanjutkan kalimat langkah pertama “ insert it into the fax machine”

32. jawabanan D

Pembahasan maksud dari Machine disini yaitu tool yang berarti alat, bukan engine yang berarti bab dari mesinberat.

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