Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Soal Dan Pembahasan Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Smk Tahun 2014 Part 2

Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2014 Part 1
Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2014 Part 2
Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2014 Part 3
Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2014 Part 4


Dear Sir,

Your advertisement in the monthly issue of June magazine is great interest to us. We would like to know more about the products your firm offers and would appreciate receiving your wholesale price list and information regarding terms and ordering policy.

It is our desire to offer our customers that the widest selection possible of your products and we are therefore always interested in new products that fall within that area.

We look forward to your prompt response. Thank you.

21. what is the letter about ?
A. A type of products
B. A purchase of a product.
C. An advertisement of products
D. A request for a wholesale price list

22. What will be done after receiving the price list ?
a. Launch the new products to customers.
b. Offer the products to customers.
c. Wait for the response.
d. Send the information.

23. “ We look forward to your prompt response.” (The last sentence) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
a. Fine
b. Great
c. Good
d. Quick

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Kata kata yang dianggap susah dari bacaan
Advertisement = iklan
Monthly = bulanan
Interest = menarikdanunik
Firm = perusahaan
Appreciate = menghargai
Wholesale = keseluruhan
Ordering policy = kebijakan pemesaanan
Desire = impian
Look forward = menantikan
Prompt = cepat

21. Jawaban D

Pembahasan. Dalam bacaan diatas warta sanggup diperoles secara terang yaitu pada paragraph ke dua “ We would like to know more about the products your firm offers and would appreciate receiving your wholesale price list and information regarding terms and ordering policy” yang artinya “ kami inign tahu wacana produk pada perusahaan anda dan akan sangat menghargai saat mendapatkan daftar harga dan warta wacana pemesanan” terang sekali bahwa si penulis menginginkan sebuah request daftar harga.

22. Jawaban B

Pembahasan. “ What will be done after receiving the pricelist ? artinya apa yang akan dilakukan setelah mendapatkan daftar harga?” jawabanan sanggup dilihat pada paragraph ke 3”. It is our desire to offer our customers that the widest selection possible of your products and we are therefore always interested in new products that fall within that area” artinya ini yaitu impian kami untuk menunjukkan pelanggan bahwa pilihan sebanyak mungkin wacana product produk anda dank arena itu kami selalu tertarik dalam produk baru” sehingga cocok dengan piliahan jawabanan “ B” Offer the products to customer yang artinya menunjukkan produk ke pelanggan.

23. jawabanan D Pembahasan Prompt = cepat ( adjective) Fine = Baik Great = besar Good =baik Quick = cepat


Softwind’s technical support staff provides free telephone assistance to register Softwind users. In order to receive this free assistance, you must first register your product with softwind. To do this, fill in the enclosed registration card. Including the name of the retail outlet where you purchased this product. Softwind will then send you a personal Identification Number ( PIN),which must be applied to support staff whenever you request assistance. Registering your product will also enable us to send you timely information on updates and future releases. Before calling technical support, please try to find the answer to your question in the handbook that accompanies this product.

24. What is the topic of the text above ?
a. How to get free telephone assistance
b. Softwind’s technical support staff.
c. Telephone registration
d. How to get a PIN.

25. What information is necessary to register this product. ?
a. The name of the store that sold the product
b. The user’s personal identification number.
c. the dates of future releases.
d. Telephone number.

26. How can you receive a PIN?
a. By signing up for one at a retail outlet.
b. By requesting one from support staff.
c. By mailing in the registration card.
d. By telephoning technical support.

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Kata kata yang dianggap susah
Provides = menyediakan
Assistance = menolongan
Register = mendaftar
In order to = supaya /supaya
Receive = mendapatkan
Enclosed = dilampirkan

24. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Dalam bacaan tersebut secara garis besar mengambarkan wacana bagaimana untuk mendapatkan menolongan telephone secara gratis. Hal ini sanggup dilihat dalam kalimat pertama dan kedua.

25. Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Hal ini sanggup dilihat dalam kalimat “ To do this fill the enclosed registration card, including the name of the retail outlet where you purchased this product.” Yang secara gamblang menceritakan wacana hal yang harus dicantumkan dalam pendaftaran.

26. Jawaban A

Pembahasan dalam kalimat “ in order to receive this free assistance, you must first register your product wirh softwind” yang secara tidak pribadi menggambarkan wacana pertannyan nomor 26.


Bill Gates

Born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washinton, famed entrepreneur Bill Gates began to show an interest in computer programming at the age of 13 at the Lakeside School. He pursued his passion through college. Striking out on his own with his friend Paul Allen, Gates formed himself at the right time. He is now the most famous person in computer product development. He is the founder and chairman of Microsoft, the biggest software company in the world.

Bill Gates has consistently been ranked as the world’s wealthiest person over all from 1995 to 2010, excluding 2007. During the career of Microsoft, Gates has held the positions of CEO and Chief Software Architect and remained the largest individual share holder with more than 8 percent of the common – stock.

27. Bill gates reached the top career in Microsoft as ….
a. the Founder
b. The chairman
c. The stock holder
d. The chief software architect

28. How long has Bill Gates consistently been ranked as the world’s wealthiest person ?
a. 13 years.
b. 14 years.
c. 15 Years
d. 16. Years

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Kata kata yang dianggap susah
Famed = populer
Interest = minat / ketertarikan
Pursued = mengejar
Striking out = memulai secara individu
Excluding = tidak termasuk

27. jawabanan B

Pembahasan. Mungkin sedikit membingungkan, antara Founder,Chairman dan Chief software architect. Untuk yang belum mengerti wacana posisi sebuah perusahaan. Akan tetapi melihat pertanyaan yang isinya karir tertinggi dari Bill Gates yaitu seorang Chairman yaitu ketua, posisi CEO sendiri lebih berfungsi mewakili perusahaan untuk menyebarkan bidangnya sedangkan founder yaitu bukan sebuah posisi.

28 jawabanan B

Pembahasan. Dalam kalimat pertama paragraph kedua dijelaskan. Bill Gates has consistently been ranked as the world’s wealthiest person over all from 1995 to 2010, excluding 2007. Yang artinya “ Bill Gates secara konsisten menjadi peringkat orang terkaya didnuai selama 1995 hingga 2010, tidak termasuk 2007” sehingga berjumlah 14 tahun..


A. Being able to speak and understand the local language enables you to deal with most security related problems that may arise. To communicate with those around you will do much to improve. It is for your feeling of safety and the quality of your stay.

B. Avoid attracting attention and becoming a sasaran of street theft by wearing lots of expensive jewellery and watches in public. You should also not show large amount of cash when making purchases especially in traditional shopping areas.

C. Memorize emergency, home, partner or spouse number or keep them in safe place.

D. Don’ t leave any valuable unattended and don’t hang your purse across the back of a chair or set it down by the table or on a seat beside you.

E. Beware of pickpockets in shopping malls or any ideal locations.

F. Take taxis from reputable companies.

29. The text informs about …
a. a brief guidance to reach modern and traditional market.
b. how to deal and communicate in local market.
c. some reputable transportation to be taken.
d. Tips on general and personal safety.

30. to be safe from pickpocket or a thief, one must …..
a. avoid wearing jewelleries and showing much money,
b. feel safe by memorizing relatives’ phone numbers.
c. be able to communicate in local language.
d. take public transportation.

31. “Don’t leave any valuables unattended …” The underlined word is closest in meaning to …..
a. Mistaken
b. Neglected
c. Misplace
d. Accompanied.

Jawaban Pembahasan

Kata kata yang dianggap susah
Enables = megampangkan
Security = keamanan
Street theft = perampok jalanan
Purchases = jual beli
Emergency = gawat darurat.
Spouse = saudara
Valuables = berharga
Unattended = tidak dijaga
Purse = tas
Pickpockets = copet
Reputable = terpercaya

29. jawabanan D

Pada bacaan diatas kesuanya mengambarkan wacana “ Tips on general and personal safety” yang artinay tips pada keselamatan umum dan pribadi. Sehingga jawabanannya yaitu D.

30. jawabanan A

Sebenarnya pickpocket = Street theft,sehingga pada tip yang B ada klarifikasi wacana “ avoid attracting attention and becoming a sasaran of street theft by wearing lots of expensive jewellery and watches in public” yang artinya hindari menarikdanunik perhatian dan menjadi sasaran dari pencuri jalanan dengan memaiak beberapa komplemen dan jam mahal di kawasan umum.

31. jawabanan B
unattended = terabaikan
Mistaken = disalahkan
Neglected = dibiarkan
Misplaced = salah kawasan
Accompanied = dikawani

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