Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Narrative Teks The Clever Cap Seller, Budbahasa Value Dan Terjemahannya

Moral value found in the “ the Clever Cap seller” is e should try to find out a way to come out of difficult situations in our life.Moral Value pada dongeng narrative “ The Clever Cap Seller” ialah kita harus berusaha mencari solusi pada permasalahan kita dan pantang menyerah. Berikut ialah sebuah Narrative teks berjudul “ The Clever Cap Seller” beserta terjemahannya

The Clever Cap Seller

One day a poor cap seller went to a nearby village for selling his caps. He sold few of his caps in the village and walked to another nearby village for selling the rest of his caps. The cap seller walked long distance and as it was afternoon, he was too tired. So he sat under the shade of a tree and slept keeping his bundle of caps beside him.

Suatu hari seorang penjual topi pergi ke pedesaan untuk menjual topinya. Dia menjual beberapa topi di desan dan berjalan menuju ke desa yang lainnya untuk menjual sisa topinya. Penjual topi itu berjalan cukup jauh dan alasannya ialah suasana siang hari, beliau sudah terlalu lelah sehingga beliau duduk dibawah rindangnya pohon dan terpulas dengan tumpukan topi disampingnya.

There was a troupe of monkeys on the tree. While the cap seller was sleeping, the monkeys climbed down the tree and opened his bundle of caps. They were so fascinated with the colorful caps that each monkey snatched one cap and wore it on its head. The monkeys climbed up the tree, sat on the branches on the tree with the caps on their heads and started playing, swinging and doing all the mischief as monkeys usually do.

Ada segerombol monyet pada tumbuhan. Ketika penjual topi itu terpulas, si Monyet memanjat pohon dan membuka bungkusan topi. Kera monyet tersebut sangat tertarik dengan topi yang berwana itu dn setiap monyet mengambil topi dan mengenakannya di kepala mereka dan mulai bermain main, berayun ayunan dan melaksanakan hal hal guah yang biasa monyet lakukan.

After a while the cap seller woke up with the chattering sound of the monkeys.

Sesudah tidak terlalu lama, penjual topi tersebut terbangun oleh bunyi yang berasal dari para monyet tersebut.

"Oh! No. What's this? Where are my caps?" the cap seller was taken aback to see his empty bundle.

“Oh tidak apa ini? Dimana topi topiku berada?” si penjual topi tersebut terkejut saat melihat bungkus kosongnya.

He was much annoyed to see the monkeys with the caps on their heads.

Dia resah melihat segerombolan monyet kera dengan topi dikepalanya.

"Oh God!" he said to himself. "How to get back the caps from the monkeys? How can I earn money and feed my poor family? God! please get a solution for me to get back the caps from the monkeys".

“ Ya tuhan!” beliau mengtakan pada dirinya sendiri. “ bagaimana untuk mendapat topi ku dari para monyet tersebut? Bagaimana saya sanggup mendapat uang dan menghidup keluargaku? Ya Tuhan! Tolong diberikan solusi bagiku untuk mendapat kembali topi topi ku dari segerombolan para kera.”

He started thinking on how to come out of this difficult situation. As he was a poor man, he need to get back his caps and earn money by selling the caps. He cannot walk out with the empty bundle. He was determined to get back his caps from the monkeys. But the monkeys as per their nature grinned at the cap seller, shook their fists and made different feats on the branches.

Dia mulai berpikir bagaimaa untuk keluar dari situasi susah kini ini. Karena beliau seorang yang miskin, beliau membutuhkan topi topi tersebut dan mendapat uang dengan menjualnya. Dia tidak sanggup pergi dengan tangan kosong. Dia sungguh berhasrat untuk mendapat kembali topi topi tersebut dari monyet kera. Akan tetapi si Kera meringis ringis pada penjual topi. Dan mengayunkan di dahan dahan

The poor cap seller made hand gestures at the monkeys requesting them to give his caps. But the monkeys kept imitating his gestures. Suddenly he got a clever idea. He took his own cap from his head and threw it on the ground. Looking at this gesture of the cap seller, the monkeys too imitated him and threw away their caps on the ground.

Si penjual topi yang malang itu membuat gerak tubuh pada si Kera memintanya untuk mempersembahkan topi tersebut. Akan tetapi si Kera Menirukan gerakan si penjual topi. Tiba tib da memiliki wangsit brilliant. Dia melepaskan topi tersebut dari kepalanya dan melemparkannya ke tanah. Melihat hal ini, para monyet juga menirukannya dan melemparkan topinya ke danah.

The cap seller felt great relief, smiled to himself and silently picked up all his caps from the ground. He tied up the caps into his bundle again and walked out of the place happily.

Si penjual topi merasa senang. Sambil tersenyum pada dirinya sendiri beliau dengan hening mengambil tiruana topi di tanah. Dia mengikat topi tersebut ke dalam bungkus dan pergi dari daerah tersebut dengan bahagia hati.

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