Sabtu, 01 September 2018

Soal Narrative Text Three Fish Beserta Terjemahannya Dan Soalnya

misal soal Narrative Text beserta terjemahan dan pembahasannya

Three Fish

Once upon a time, there were three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. “This pond is full of fish”, they told each other excitedly. “we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!” So saying, the fishermen left.

When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together and said, “Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond now. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!” The second of the three fish agreed. “You are right”, he said. “We must leave this pond now.”

But the youngest fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason”, he said. “We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere – my luck will keep me safe”. The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then.

The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish‟s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.

1. Which paragraph is the complication in the story?
a. First paragraph
b. Second paragraph
c. Third paragraph
d. Fourth paragraph

jawabanan C

2. How is the character of the third fish?
a. Obstinate
b. Kind
c. Lazy
d. Arrogant

Jawaban A ( obstinate = keras kepala)

3. What did the third fish do when he were invited the eldest fish to leave the pond?
a. He agreed to leave pond
b. He refused to follow the eldest fish
c. He wanted to follow the eldest fish
d. He was angry with his friends 2

Jawaban B

4. What is the main idea in the second paragraph?
a. The fish had known that the fisherman will come back to the pond to go fishing.
b. There were some fisherman go fishing in the pond
c. Fisherman did not find fish
d. The third fish was caught

jawabanan A

5. What is the antonym of word “refused” in fourth paragraph?
a. Reject
b. Accept
c. Extend
d. Believe

Jawaban A

Terjemhan dari Narrative teks " Three fish"

Tiga Ikan

Pada jaman lampau., ada tiga buah ikan yang tinggaldi sebuah kolam. Suatu sore, beberapa pencari ikan melewati bak tersebut dan melihati ikan. “ kola mini penuh dengan ikan” Pencari ikan tersebut menyampaikan pada rekannya. “ kami belum pernah memancing disini sebelumnya. Kita harus kembali besok pagi dan dengan membawa jarring kita dan meamangkap ikan ikanini” kata pencari ikan tersebut sambil pergi.

Ketika ikan tertua tersebut mendengar ini, beliau merasa panic. Dia memanggil ikan yang lain dan menyampaikan “ apakah engkau mendengar apa yang dikatakan pencari ikan tadi? Kita harus meninggalkan bak ini dengan segera. Pencari ikan tersebut akan kembali dan membunuh kita tiruana!” ikan kedua dari tiga ikan tersebut setuju. “ engkau benar,” katanya “ kita harus minggalkan kola mini sekarang”

Akan tetapi ikan termuda dari ketiga tersebut menertawakan. “ kalian mencemaskan tanpa alasan yang jelas” katanya. “ kami sudah tinggal disini selama hidup kita, dan tidak ada salah satu pencari ikanpun yang pernah hadir kesini. Kenapa insan ini harus kembali? Saya tidak akan pergi kemana mana – keberuntunganku akan menyelamatkanku”. Ikan tertua tersebut meningalkan bak tersebut dengan keluarganya sore itu juga. Ikan kedua melihat dari kejauhan bahwa pencari ikan tersebut menhadiri mereka di pagi hari dan meninggalkan bak tersebut dengan segera bersama keluarganya. Dan ikan ketiga menolak untuk meninggalkan bak tersebut.

Pencari ikan tersebut hadir dan menangkap tiruana ikan yang ada di kolam. Keberuntungan ikan ketiga tidak sanggup memmenolongnya – beliau tertangkap dan terbunuh.

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