Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Penjelasan Recount Text Dan Misalnya

Recount text ialah sebuah teks yang memiliki fungsi menceritakan masa lalu, bentuk dari Recount teks dapat berbentuk teks narrasi atau sebuah surat yang menceritakan perjalanan seseorang. Namanya juga menceritakan masa kemudian niscaya Recount text memakai tenses berupa past, baik itu simple past tense, Past Perfect atau pun past Continuous. Berbeda dengan Narrative yang menceritakan wacana dongeng berupa karangan atau imajinasi. Cerita Recount text biasanya menceritakan insiden yang kasatmata atau pengalaman kasatmata baik itu penulis maupun pengalaman orang lain.

Ciri Ciri Recount Text

1. Menggunkan kalimat tenses berupa Past tense baik itu simple past tense ataupun Past perfect atau Past Continous.

2. Menggunakan kata keterangan Conjunctions dan time Connectives.

3. Menggunakan Actions verb berupa Past

Generic Structure Recount Text

1. Orientation Mengenalkan wacana kapan dan pelaku dari sebuah teks recount

2. Events Menceritakan wacana insiden apa yang dialami oleh pelaku dari Recount Text, dan diceritakan secara kronologis.

3. Reorientation Penutupan atau kesimpulan bersifat optional

Berikut ini adala pola Recount Text, perhatikan kata katan yang berwarna kuning ialah bentuk kalimat Past tense yang ialah cirri dari teks recount dan kata yang berwarna biru ialah Time Connectives juga ialah cirri teks recount. Paragraph pertama ialah Orientation dan paragraph diberikutnya ialah Events dan paragraph terakhir ialah Re-orientation.

Fantastic Holiday at Yogyakarta

Last week, I went to Yogyakarta with my family. My father drove the car. My mother sat beside him. My sister and I sat in the back seats.

We woke up early in the morning. My father prepared the car in the garage while mother was preparing food for breakfast and some snacks for us. My sister and I packed some clothes. After everything got ready and we had our breakfast, we left the house at six o'clock.

It was about nine A.M. We arrived at Yogyakarta. First of all we visited our uncle. We stayed there for an hour. Then we went to Parangtritis beach. We got there at eleven o'clock. There were a lot of tourists because it was holiday. I saw many foreign visitors too. My parents watched us playing with sand in the beach. We did not swim and take a bath since the wave was rough. After having lunch, we went on our picnic to the museum and Malioboro shopping centre.

We drove back to Semarang at 7 o'clock and arrived home at ten. We were tired but happy.

Berikut ialah pola Recount Text beserta artinya.

Fantastic Holiday at Yogyakarta

Last week, I went to Yogyakarta with my family. My father drove the car. My mother sat beside him. My sister and I sat in the back seats.

Minggu kemarin, saya pergi ke Yogyakarta dengan keluarganya. Ayah saya mengendari mobil. Ibu saya duduk disamping ayah aku. Kakak wanita saya dan saya duduk di dingklik belakang.

We woke up early in the morning. My father prepared the car in the garage while mother was preparing food for breakfast and some snacks for us. My sister and I packed some clothes. After everything got ready and we had our breakfast, we left the house at six o'clock.

Kami berdiri pertama di pagi pagi. Ayah saya menyiapkan kendaraan beroda empat dan garasi saat ibu saya sedang menyiapkan makanan untuk sarapan dan beberapa snak. Kakak wanita saya dan saya mengepak beberapa pakaian. Sesudah segala sesuatu siap dan kami sudah sarapan, kami meninggalkan rumah jam enam tepat.

It was about nine A.M. We arrived at Yogyakarta. First of all we visited our uncle. We stayed there for an hour. Then we went to Parangtritis beach. We got there at eleven o'clock. There were a lot of tourists because it was holiday. I saw many foreign visitors too. My parents watched us playing with sand in the beach. We did not swim and take a bath since the wave was rough. After having lunch, we went on our picnic to the museum and Malioboro shopping centre.

Waktu menunjukkan jam Sembilan tepat. Kami hingga di Yogjakarta. Pertama kami mengunjungi paman kami. Kami tinggal di sana selama satu jam. Kemudian kami pergi ke Pantai Parangtritis. Kami hingga di sana jam sebelas tepat. Ada beberapa turis alasannya ialah hari ini ialah hari libur. Saya melihat banyak turis absurd juga. Orang renta saya menonton kami bermain pasir di pantai. Kami tidak berenang dan mandi alasannya ialah gelombangnya ganas. Sesudah makan siang, kami melanjutkan picnic kami ke Museum dan sentra perbelanjaan Malioboro.

We drove back to Semarang at 7 o'clock and arrived home at ten. We were tired but happy.

Kami kembali ke Semarang jam 7 sempurna dan hingga dirumah jam sepuluh. Kami capai akan tetapikami senang.

misal soal Recount Text dan pembahasannya.

My End of the Week

On Sunday morning I and my family went on a boat cruise.

We went underneath the port bridge and then we went past some cargo ships. When we got to Lincoln park we had a picnic. After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing tower. Then Mr. John Smith came over and said Mr. Brown was giving out some apples. Then after we finished that we went home.

Although it was tiring, we were happy.
(adapted from CBC student works)

Answer the questions!
1. Who is the specific participant in the story?
2. When did it happen?
3. Where did it happen?
4. What tense is mostly used in the text?
5. What kind of conjunction you find in the text?
6. What is the story about?

klarifikasi soal diatas My End of the Week

On Sunday morning I and my family went on a boat cruise.

Pada hari ahad pagi saya dan keluarga saya pergi berlayar

We went underneath the port bridge and then we went past some cargo ships. When we got to Lincoln park we had a picnic. After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing tower. Then Mr. John Smith came over and said Mr. Brown was giving out some apples. Then after we finished that we went home.

Kami pergi ke bawah jembatan dan kemudian kami melewati beberapa kapal kargo. Ketika kami hingga di taman Lincoln kami bersenang bahagia disana. Sesudah selesai, kami bermain pada menara batu. Kemudian bapak John Smith dating dan menyampaikan bapak Mr.Brown mempersembahkan beberapa apple. Setelas selesai kami pergike rumah.

Although it was tiring, we were happy.

Meskipun ini melelahkan kami senang.

1. Who is the specific participant in the story?
The specific participant of the story is the writer and his family
2. When did it happen?
It happened on Sunday morning
3. Where did it happen?
It happened at Lincoln Park
4. What tense is mostly used in the text?
The tense used in the Text is Past tense
5. What kind of conjunction you find in the text?
Then, after
6. What is the story about?
The story about the writer’s holiday.

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