Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Participle Adjectives

Participles adjective ialah bentuk adjective yang berakhiran –ed atau –ing,pembentukan Participles adjectives atau participial adjectives ialah dengan menambah dua akhiran tersebut ke dalam kata kerja, kedua jenis participles tersebut memiliki makna yang sangat tidak sama. Perhatikan dua kalimat Participles adjectives dibawah ini dan bedakan makna nya. Biasanya untuk participle berakhiran –ed sering disebut dengan past participle sedangkan participle berakhiran –ing sering disebut dengan present participle.

FIna watched an interesting TV last night.

Fina is interested in learning English so she joins English debate club

Dua kata dari Participles adjective diatas ialah Interesting dan Interested, untuk participles Adjective berakhiran “-ing” dipakai untuk mendiskripsikan sebuah benda penyebab tertentu, atau dalam arti bahasa Indonesia ialah diberimbuhan “me-“ interesting dalam kalimat pertama berarti “menarikdanunik” . sedangkan untuk Interested ialah participles berakhiran “-ed” penerapan participle ini ialah dipakai untuk mendeskripksikan perasaan. Perhatikan dan amati perbebadan dua participle tersebut dalam beberapa kalimat dibawah ini.

Fina was really bored during the class yesterday ( not FIna was really Boring during the class yesterday)

The class was very boring so the students did not understand the material (not the class was very bored so the students did not understand the material)

Ayu is interested in English ( not Ayu is interesting in English)

The teacher is very interesting so the students like the teacher verymuch.

The weather is very amusing, so I must bring my jacket.

I am amused by the story written by Fina.

This accidents is really embarrassing.

I am embarrassed by my bad score in English.

Soal Latihan Participle adjective.

1. I was …….with the film. I had expected it to be better. (disappoint)

2. Are you ……in football.? (interest)

3. The football match was quite ……… I enjoyed it. (excite)

4. It is sometimes ……when you have to ask people for money. (embarrass)

5. Do you easily get ……?(embarrass)

6. I had never expected to get the job. I was really ……..when I was offered it.( amaze)

7. She has really learnt very fast. She has made ………progress.(astonish)

8. I did not find the situation funny. I was not …..(amuse)

9. It was a really ……experience. Afterwards everybody was very ……(shock)

10. Why do you always look so ….? Is your life really so …..? (bore)

11. He is one of the most ………..people I have ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything …….(bore/interest)

Jawaban dan pembahasan soal participle adjective.

1. I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.

Pada kalimat diatas kita memakai past participle alasannya ialah membuktikan perasaan dari subject “I”

2. Are you interested in football.?

Kita memakai past participle adjective alasannya ialah adjective tersebut mejelaskan ihwal perasaan dari “you”

3. The football match was quite exciting I enjoyed it.

Kita memakai present participle alasannya ialah ada football match bukan perasaan.

4. It is sometimes embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.

Kita memakai present participle alasannya ialah tidak memakai perasaan, malah menyebabkan aib

5. Do you easily get embarrassed ?

Gunakan past participle alasannya ialah perasaan

6. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazed when I was offered it.

Kita memakai past participle alasannya ialah membuktikan perasaan

7. She has really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing progress.

Karena membuktikan progrees yang me…./ bukan memakai perasaan

8. I did not find the situation funny. I was not amused.

Kita memakai past participle alasannya ialah adalah perasaan

9. It was a really shocking experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocked.

Untuk yang pertama kita memakai present participle alasannya ialah adalah penyebab, sedangkan untuk yang kedua kita memakai past alasannya ialah membuktikan ihwal perasaan.

10. Why do you always look so bored ? Is your life really so boring.

Untuk yang pertama kita memakai past participle alasannya ialah aalah perasaan, sedangkan yang kedua kita memakai present alasannya ialah bukan menceritakan perasaan.

11. He is one of the most boring people I have ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting.

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